chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ritsukas guilty expression was confusing the devils a fair amount. The awkwardness had breaded an stagnant silence but the quickest one to recover was Urie as he said "But butterfly how could it be you're fault that they were hounding us for information and then calling you terrible things. How can that be your fault, you haven't done anything. Listen to me butterfly, we know you are not what they said you were. We know that you could never do what they're saying you have. I'm sure they were lying."  Urie finished with a smile but this didn't seem to make Ritsuka feel better but instead made her feel worse for some reason. She bowed her head to look at her hands in her lap, which made her hair cover her eyes from view this confused them even further.

Then Ritsuka whispered ever so quietly "What did they say exactly this time." They all noticed that she said this time.  Therefore they could see that this has happened before.

Now it seemed the only one to get there voice under control was Mage as he said "Well they spoke about a lot but they main things they said were things along the lines of how much they hated you. They said that nice guys like us should stay away from you and how you were a good for nothing waste of space, terrible,  horrible bitch. They kept saying about how you've ruined their lives and relationships." Mage trailed off.

"I see..." Ritsuka whispered

In a desperate attempt to reassure her they said "But none of us believe that don't worry."

"No" Ritsuka said

"What do you mean no." Asked Rem. He had noticed that since the start of this discussion Ritsuka had started to cling to his shirt, now he watched as she untangled her hand from it and carefully got off his lap taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch this action pained and confused he so much. If anyone could see his eyes they'd probably would see the hurt, sadness and confusion reflected there. What's going on. He wondered. Rem had loved being in that close position with her, he already missed her warmth. He needed her presence, he needed and wanted her by his side right now. But what did this mean? What was going on? What wasn't she saying? These and many more questions fluttered around in his head.

Meanwhile outside of Rem's mind there had grown an eerie silence Urie tried to break it by asking "What's wrong Ritsuka."

"They weren't lying I am a monster, probably worse then any devil." Ritsuka said still with her hair covering her eyes. Rem couldn't take it anymore he got up from where he was and stepped over to stand in front of Ritsuka where he kneeled down to face her better. He then placed his fingers under her chin raising it up so he could see her eyes and so that she had to look him in the eye. When he saw her eyes he froze she was crying and her eyes were so hollow. Those eyes were haunted and the pain in them hurt him beyond belief.

When he could got his composure back under control he looked her straight in the eye and firmly said "You are not a monster I refuse to believe that crap and there is no way that you're even close to being a devil." He then leaned into her ear and whispered "and plus I love you. You've seen the darkest pits of my soul and still loved me. After all this time you don't really think I will let you run away from me after I just got you back, do you?!" He felt her shiver when his hot breathe spilled onto her neck. He personally had liked doing that so as he pulled back he gave her a kiss on the cheek. When he pulled back fully to look in her face and immediately noticed her dark blush. In his option it was adorable and the cutest thing he's ever seen by far.

 While Rem and Ritsuka were in their own world they didn't seem to notice the laughter erupting from Urie and Mage it was hysterical to them. They were laughing so hard at Ritsuka's red face and how she seemed to be in a daze because of what Rem had said. They thought it was adorable how she reacted. They were also laughing at Rem because with their inhuman hearing they had heard the last part that Rem had said into Ritsuka ear. They thought it was funny how the Arlord heir could be so protective and warm, gentle but flirtatiously loving, to anyone. They had never even seen him act possessive towards another women. But they could tell that proved it,  Rem was hopelessly in love with Ritsuka and it was amazing since this is the only woman Rem has ever loved. It was adorable to see how different he acted with her around.

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