The Sweetest Nightmare

Start from the beginning

He sighed, heavy and hard as he started to rub my back in slow circles. "You love him, Autumn. Which means that with time you'll grow to forgive him as I have." The smile he flashed me was weak and so perfectly Aleksi but that response seemed exactly like what Colette told me to expect.

"There's the thing, I don't think I can." I stood and took a tissue from a box in the medicine cabinet, carefully dabbing my eyes from the tears that continued to fall.

Again he sighed and pulled me into a tight embrace. "What happened?"

"It wasn't just one thing, it was a million little things. Small conversations and actions that just built up and up until they all just collapsed under their own weight. And I don't think there's any saving it."

"Shh. Don't say that," he cooed softly drawing me into his embrace.

Why do I need to be with Nikolai? The question persisted in the back of my mind even as I let him take me back to bed. He kissed me softly and held me close as I sobbed, oblivious to the real reason those tears fell.


After Aleksi left I found myself at Ian's door, holding Margot's hand. The Nanny had the day off and I wasn't about to leave a two-year-old alone for any amount of time. However, as I stood in front of the door, my phone buzzed in my purse. As I wrangled it out of my pocket I couldn't help but notice the screen read UNKNOWN CALLER in big capital letters.

"Hello?" I answered as I took a step back.

"Hi, Autumn, I hear you're trying to get in contact with me?" It was Estella, I'd recognize her voice any day, she had the kind of gravelly alto that could have made her a fantastic jazz singer at a different point in history.

"Y-yes, but..."

"Phone conversations are never safe, Love. Never." Husky laughter filled my ear followed by a murmur in the background. "If you want to talk I'll be busy reading a first edition Groust for the next three hours." The phone went dead, and I furrowed my brows. Groust was a vampire poet, a first edition of any of his works was a huge deal the University made a huge fuss when they got a copy. Ian opened the door like he was on his way out, he had on that black jacket again with jeans but the scarf he wore was tartan green which brought out the color of his eyes. I stared for the longest.

"Hello neighbor." He beamed at me and then looked down at Margot and knelt down. "I'm sorry... Neighbors. I hope you forgive me, little one." He placed his hands on her shoulders and she giggled as he stood. "I was just on my way to grab some lunch. You're free to come with if you like." I couldn't help but glance beyond the door into the sprawling luxury apartment. The aesthetic he had was a cluttered one, but what stood out the most to me was the piles and piles of old leather bound books in various states of wear. Like he knew I was looking he closed the door and took a half step forward.

"I have to meet someone at the University, I was going to..." I shook my head, maybe going to see him wasn't the smartest thing. "It's not important. They called and I have to go meet them."

That dazzling dizzying smile persisted. "I'll walk with you, there's a great café across the street. Do you need to get a stroller for the little one?"

"Margot!" Margot exclaimed striking a pose with a giggle. "Up!" She demanded stomping her foot. Ian cocked his head to the side and turned his attention to me.

"Is it okay if I pick her up?"

"Sure, just don't smack her head on the ceiling." I laughed and he picked her up, seeing him hold her made me do a double take. They looked alike. It wasn't just the eye color, it was the nose and the set of the chin... the features I'd always assumed Aleksi got from his mother. If Ian was... I shook my head and cleared my throat not allowing my brain to wander down that rabbit hole. There was no way he had that tie too. "Do you mind coming up with us to get her stroller?"

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