Cedric Diggory's Ghost

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Cho Chang was just your average girl who just so happened to be a witch and went to a magic school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She thought herself to be intelligent and pretty, but not beautiful with her dark hair and dark eyes bringing out her flawless Asian skin. In her fifth year at Hogwarts she started to think of herself as even less pretty after meeting Fleur Delacour from the Academy of Beauxbatons when Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament.

Fleur was perfect in every way and all of the boys made that blatantly clear every time she was near when they would stare at her and try to impress her. She seemed to know she was beautiful too with the way she would flip her long silvery hair and walk as though she was constantly on the runway. It didn't make things any better when she was chosen as the champion for her school and Cho's long time crush, Cedric Diggory, was chosen as one of the Hogwarts champions since that put Cedric on Fleur's radar.

Cho's confidence in her looks was restored when Cedric asked her to the Yule Ball and soon after they started dating. However, the romance was short lived as, on the last day of the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric was murdered by a very dark and powerful wizard named Lord Voldemort. That was why in the days after the start of her sixth year at Hogwarts she would avoid everyone... but she avoided one person more than anyone else and that person was Harry Potter.

Harry had been the second Hogwarts champion which was odd in itself since there was only supposed to be one champion for each school and they weren’t supposed to be younger than seventeen, but that wasn’t the reason Cho had been avoiding him... Harry had been with Cedric at the time of his death. Cho didn’t blame Harry for Cedric's death, she knew that if he could have stopped it he would have, but the knowledge that he was the last one to see Cedric alive was a bit too much for her to bear... not to mention the fact that she knew Harry had a crush on her and she wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about him. She would get this feeling in the pit of her stomach when he was near and would blush when he looked at her, but she still wasn’t over Cedric.

That’s why when on a particularly dreadful Saturday afternoon when she saw Harry walking through the corridors in her direction she ducked down another hall way and was half way down it before she realized that she had never been down that way before or even that it was a hallway she had seen before. Even so, she decided to keep going out of curiosity and the fact that she didn’t want to deal with the pity filled stares from her classmates. No one would miss her for a few hours.

After a few more minutes of walking, Cho decided to try one of the rooms and opened a door to her left. Cho gasped at the sheer size of the room as it seemed to take up the entire section of the castle, though there wasn’t much in it. All that she could see was a long table in the center with an odd potted plant on it. Interested to see if she could use the plant in one of her Potions assignments or if she would need it Herbology, she decided to take a closer look.

She was surprised to hear an odd but pleasant musical sound coming from the plant which seemed to glow a translucent green and as she walked closer she could smell fresh peaches and spring water which were two of her favorite things.

"Cho?" A familiar voice whispered as she reached out to touch the translucent plant. She instantly stopped and looked around the empty room. She sighed and wiped away a tear as she remembered that the person she thought she had heard calling her was dead.

With another sigh, Cho turned back to the plant where her hand was just inches away from one of the glowing leaves and an odd warmth began to spread over her making her head cloudy. She smiled faintly as she felt the best she had in months and without a second thought she let her fingers brush the glowing plant.

Th reaction was almost instantaneous. Cho's body began to feel too heavy for her to hold up so she fell to her knees. Her lungs were burning with every breath as though the air she was breathing were fire and her vision was clouded. She wasn’t going to stay awake for much longer and she seemed to accept that fate by lying on the cold stone floor.

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