Chapter 1- He's Home

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^Picture of Kayla^

~Kayla's POV~

"Thanks for shopping with us, have a nice day," I smiled to my last customer of the day. I signed out and started walking out the doors of Forever 21, which is where I work. Gotta make money somehow, right?

"Um, excuse me.. Kayla, do you really expect me to stay late and clean up this mess while you go home?" My co-worker, Angelina, asked while pointing to the piles of clothes scattered around the floor.

"I have to go," I mumbled, looking down at my phone at a text I just got from my boyfriend, Gavin.

New Message:

From: Gavin<3

Hurry the fuck up, I've been waiting for you for almost 5 mins.

"What was that? Don't expect me to be able to hear you when you mumble," she rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips.

"I have to go," I said this time more clearly and began walking out the door again.

"Fine. Don't think I wont tell the manager about this though," she said in an annoyed tone as I walked outside. Once I stepped outside I felt the cold winter air overcome me. I felt goosebumps forming on my skin and quickly hurried over to Gavin's car. He looked pissed.

"What the hell? Was there a fucking fire in there or something? I mean Jesus Christ I've been waiting forever," he rolled his eyes and pulled out of his parking space and onto the main roads.

"Gavin, I was only five minutes late," I said softly, trying not to raise my voice.

"Five minutes of my life I'll never get back. Next time if your gonna be careless and not have any concern of my time schedule drive yourself," he scolded. I kept to myself and didn't respond. I just turned my body away from him and gazed out the window and into the stars. 

Its so beautiful out tonight... The breezy winter air and the snow falling perfectly onto the roads. I've always loved Canada. I've lived here all my life and I'd never leave. Stratford is my home and always will be. I just feel so at home when I look out the window and see every possible design of a snowflake falling in front of my face.

"Turn right here," I said breaking the silence.

"What? I thought you were coming over tonight. And tomorrow?"

"Not tonight. I told my dad I'd be home right after work. And tomorrow Justin's back from his tour and I have school," I said referring to my best friend, Justin. I glanced at my phone and saw that it was 10:11pm.

"Oh please," Gavin chuckled. "Your dad wont even know if you came home or not. Hes probably passed out on the couch as we speak," he laughed.

"Gavin, don't," I scolded as he pulled up to my driveway.

"C'mon, babe take a joke!" He laughed.

"Its not a joke if its not fucking funny," I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut, heading for my front door.

"Who needs you anyway? Go fuck your douche pop star!" Gavin yelled as he drove away. I looked back and watched him leave my street and when he did I unlocked the door and headed in. As I walked in and shut the door I saw my dad passed out on the couch, just like Gavin said. He had four beer bottles scattered on the floor around him and one in his hand, empty.

I let out a big puff of air and just continued walking until I reached my room. Our house is pretty small since its just my dad and I. 

I plopped myself down on my bed and threw my bag to the other side of the room letting out a groan.

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