J/Blue💧[You ok Peter?]

Peter❤-I'm fine

E/Red🌹<Well then why are we just stood here? let's go!>

Looking back at the shop I started to walk towards the tower, food and phone in hand but when I turned back around I ran straight into someone making me fall straight onto the floor.

E/Red🌹<Jesus was that a person? that felt like a damn wall!>

"Son of Stark! I sincerely apologize for walking into you I did not see where I was walking" I was lifted to my feet and it finally hit me that I just walked into a god specifically the god of thunder.

"I umm I'm fine don't worry about I-It" I brushed off my clothes and picked up my squished sandwich not really caring about my broken phone.

J/Blue💧[Our food! NO!]

E/Red🌹<The horror!>

"I did not know Stark had a child" That sounded nothing like the God of thunder. I looked up, literally, and made eye contact with the god of mischief. I'm going to die.

"Hi?" I managed to squeak out, well done Peter you sound like a mouse.

E/Red🌹<You literally are the size of a mouse so...>

J/Blue💧[Leave him alone]

"Hello child, I'm guessing you know who I am" I nodded and smiled. Meeting two gods in one day, lucky me.

"Your Loki the god of mischief I'm a big fan, don't worry about the past that doesn't really matter now but dude! your magic is so cool how do you do it? did you learn it or were you born with it?" The god looked shocked for a minute but gave me a small smile.

"Well my mother originally taught me my magic, but she passed away leading to me being self-taught so to answer your question no I wasn't born with it" I smiled at him and nodded.

"That's even cooler! wait... you guys called me the son of Stark?" Thor nodded and spoke his voice booming slightly giving me a headache.

"Correct child, that is what you are?" Shaking my head quickly I spoke up, why would they think I'm Tony's son?

"No Tony Is just looking after me for a while" I looked down sadly. Ye for a while, I'll be gone soon in some orphanage Tony couldn't keep me.

"Oh, I apologize, child, we were heading to the tower would you like to join us?" I nodded and we started to walk back to the tower, the walk back was full of talking, or shouting for Thor, and laughing.

Walking through the glass doors of Stark tower I spotted a group of interns and waved as they all said hi, I was well known around here because you know I am an intern myself.

"Hello, baby spider I see you are back" Friday's voice called out in the lift making me jump slightly.

"Oh hey, Fri ye but my food was kind of squished on the way..." Looking down sadly I held my broken phone in my hand wishing for my food to come back.

"I could order you some take out if you like" I nodded with a bright smile, I like the idea of pizza.

"Baby spider, what is that supposed to mean" Looking up at Loki just remembering him and Thor were in the elevator with me.

"Oh well I'm Spiderman but Da- Tony likes to call me baby spider as a joke" With a confused look Loki looked at Thor who just shrugged.

"All I know is the man of spiders can stick to things like a wall" Laughing I shook my head and stepped out of the elevator spotting the rest of the Avengers.

"Hey, guys!" They all looked up from the task they were doing and smiled some saying hi but as soon as their gaze landed on Loki some glared or turned away. Rude.

"Hiya Peter, how are you?" Quickly giving Mr Stark a hug, I sat next to him smiling.

"I'm good although on the way back my sandwich got squished so I'm kind of hungry"

"Steve and Bucky are making food kid, don't worry that will be done soon so why you're waiting, go get your homework done I know you have loads." Nodding at him with a bright smile I jumped up waving goodbye at everyone as I walked off towards my bedroom. Today has been a good day apart from my sandwich getting squished everything was fine.

E/Red🌹<Fine?! how is that fine we lost food FOOD PETER!!>

J/Blue💧[Oh shut up being a drama queen]

E/Red🌹<You shut up!>


Green🌱*Peter homework! now*

Peter❤-OK OK calm down I'm doing it now, chill


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