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•Taylor, 16•

I should honestly forget the shit ever happened

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I should honestly forget the shit ever happened.... Or should I tell Marc? But if I tell Marc he's not gon believe me. To him,  Omar can do no wrong.

Either way it goes,  somebody gon die. I don't even want dent dude to die.  Cause if he die,  guess who the finger is getting pointed to?  Marc. 

I sighed in frustration.  I can never win.  The more I kept this secret in,  the more my heart sunk.  But I knew if I told anybody,  Omar would find out I broke his promise.  Lord knows what he would do. 

I dragged my feet til I was in the kitchen where Marc and Mom was.  I sat by the island. 

Marc mugged me"Fuck wrong with you?" He questioned.

"Watch it Marco Adrian Williams, " Mom snapped. 

I chuckled. "Nothing, " I answered to Marc's question.

"Come on Tay.  Tell me, "

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs into my room.  Marc invited himself into my room.

"Marc,  you really want to know? "

"Wassup, "

I started to tell him about Omar and what he said
The last time I had to go on the late bus.  After I was done his eyes followed around the room. 

Laugh stupid bitch.  I dare you. 

He did a spray bottle laugh as of what I said was the funniest thing on earth.  "Omar would never do that shit to me.  We homeboys. "

"Okay....Get the fuck out my room then dickhead,"

"You tweaking, " He shook his head as he walked to the door and closed it behind him.

Not all of Los Angeles is loyal,  nor yo friend or family. Learn it and remember it.

My own brother did not even care to listen to me,  or at least here what I was trying to say.  He knows I'm not somebody who jokes around or lies. Why the fuck did he put more trust in Omar than his own sister?

I still needed somebody to vent to.  I decided to call the closest person I knew besides Marc.


After three rings,  she decided to pick up.

"Hey Tay."

"MoMo,  please come over. It's something I gotta tell you."

"Why not just tell me over the phone."

I smacked my teeth. "Just come overrrrrr. " I dragged. 

"Mmm.... I'm not sure, "

"My mom is making food, "

"On my way, " She hung up the phone.

After a short wait,  I could here Molly downstairs asking if the food done. Soon she was in my room making herself comfortable in my bed.

"Now what is so important that you have to tell me in  person,?"

"Okay so the last time we had to go to the late bus I over heard Omar......."

After I told her,  her mouth dropped.

"Bitchhhh. That's crazy. " She said. 

"What you think I should do? "

"You can snit-"

"I already did that,  but Marc thinks I'm fucking around, " I said cutting her off.

"Well you already know when this shit is happening,  where,  to who,  and all the above.  So,  why not do it yourself?" She suggested, picking at her finger nails.

"You think I should? "

"If you wanted me to help all you had to do was ask."

"Mo you know that's not what I was as-"

"Sure,  I'll come and help. "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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