Bad dream

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I was awoken by a bad dream; plummeting through a black abyss, a mad, terrifying descent into nothingness.
I open my eyes just as I hit the invisible ground.
"Ugh." I groan, rubbing my head.
I turn over and lay on my back, glancing through the window as I do so. My curtains are open, so the sun burns my retinas.
I wince against the harsh light.
"Great." I think. "Now I'm dead AND blind."
I get up groggily, go to the bathroom and look at my reflection, shoving my hand through the thick, tangled mess I call my hair. "Wow. I really need a haircut." I think aloud.
My hair is a tragic mop of black floof. A complete nightmare.
I finally decide to venture downstairs for some cereal.
"Ah fuck. There's no Cheerios."
With a sigh, I grab a glass of orange juice and put some bread in the toaster.
I sit myself on the stool by the counter and wait for my toast to jumpscare me.
Yes, I'm afraid of the toaster. Shut up.

I usually just sleep in my boxers and a t-shirt, but last night I was so exhausted I just passed out, forgetting to take my binder off, so I guess I slept in that, too.

I notice my phone buzzing on the countertop and check it.
Shit. Three missed calls and a message from Chase.

[Mate, it's getting worse.] - Chase

This can't be good. I type out a worried reply, frowning.
[Dude you need to get it checked out. Have you been to the hospital yet?]

[No.. Mate, it's freezing. It's gone blue.] - Chase

I sigh.

[I'll be right over.]

I pull on some jeans, stick my phone in my back pocket, and started the 20 minute trek to Chase's.

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