Todoroki seemed to wince at this comment. He vividly remembered how Midoriya badly Midoriya broke his fingers during their battle in the U.A. Sports Festival. He almost broke his arms to the point of no return during the fight with the Hero Killer during their Internship. With the logical answers given to him he could only thank his advisor and leave for class.

As Todoroki arrived at class there were already a few that were also there. His green and emerald eyes then caught to another one's heterochromatic eyes, they locked for a few seconds before averting each other's gaze by looking the other way. The green haired boy proceeded his entry and went to his seat that is located at the back of the classroom. While the dual haired boy returned to his conversation with his friends.

After an hour Eraserhead arrived late, "Okay since I'm not in the mood today you'll have study hour and you'll have print outs. Class Rep please get the print outs at my table later." Then immediately left.

Noise then burst out at class 1-A, they were given freedom after all and the intend to fill their study hour with chatter.

Todoroki would then be tapped on by Yaoyorozu seating near him, "Uhm... Todoroki, are you somehow troubled?"

She looked at him with genuine concern, "How can you say so?" Todoroki immediately said so.

"Well Midoriya's face and your cold stares really don't mix well." Kaminari joined in the conversation, Yaoyorozu nodded in agreement to Kaminari's remark

"Okay, maybe I am-" Todoroki was cut off,

"Man you gotta tell us. It's unmanly to just keep secrets while glaring at Midoriya." Kirishima had interjected him.

"Fine" Todoroki surrendered and retold about last night with Midoriya and Aizawa this morning.

They all looked grim after his short tell-tale, "I actually agree with Sir Aizawa, I have seen Midoriya's struggles at the first Hero Training acitivity. For you to attempt to most likely undego that, it is a horror." Yaoyorozu said with as much earnest as possible.

"Yeah she's right, Midoriya's development is amazing but if you'd seen how beat up he was back then..." Kirishima's voice trailed off.

"But why did you propose such an idea though?" Kaminari then said.

Silence filled their little group and all eyes were on Todoroki. Just then the lunch bell rang which probably saved Todoroki.

"Well that ends our meeting!" Kaminari had shakily said.

Kaminari then stood up and pushed the eager Kirishima away. Yaoyorozu also stood up and gave Todoroki one last apologetic look before getting out.

Todoroki also did the same, he spent his lunch most of these times with Midoriya's group but this time he wanted to go alone and give himself more time to reflect on his actions. The green haired boy who was filled with usual cheer was then walking down the hallway, sad and alone.

(Midoriya's POV)
It was lunch break, Midoriya along with Iida and Uraraka had secured themselves a table. The heterochromatic boy was not touching his katsudon, staring at the space left vacant which was usually occupied by a dear friend.

"Todoroki isn't coming huh, I hope he's okay." Uraraka commented on Midoriya's sudden loss of appetite.

"Did something happen to you, he was staring at you hard back at study hour," Iida added.

"Actually... there is." Midoriya then retold them of his encounter last night.

"Yeah, it's not really wise to try learning your quirks now..." Iida commented after Midoriya retold the story.

"But there must be a reason he wanted to try it out." Uraraka added.

"Hm... like..." her voice trailed off as she thought. "Uraraka is right, Todoroki isn't the type to move with no reason." Iida backed her up almost immediately.

"It's no problem, thank you both. That's two days in a row that you helped me out. I'm really thank-" he got cut off as Uraraka loudly shouted, "Maybe he wanted to spend more time alone with you!"

"Oops, that came out too loud." Uraraka scratched the back of her head in embarrassment and gave an apologetic look to the other students who were also eating their lunch and are now looking at them.

"Let's finish quickly now." Iida said as he quickly wolfed down his lunch, the other two agreed to this notion and also wolfed down their lunch in matter of seconds. They quickly left the cafeteria after their rushed lunch.

1171 Words -> 1349 words

Okayyy.... im so sorry but no I just don't find sense in giving both Midoriya and Todoroki sudden romantic feelings. I feel bad for standing you up, even I am irritated by much cheapness but I wanted to make it up to all of you by releasing chapter 4 early.
For those who expected smut or the big confession, I'm really sorry.

Anyways thank you for reading The Body Switch, feel free to comment and vote on this story. Until the next installment.

a/n rewrite: this chapter barely needed major wording changes ^^

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