the moon

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Summer has finally started and you've never been so satisfied with your life as you continued to listen to the tapping of your hands on your wooden bed frame. You were impatiently waiting for the clock's hour hand to strike at 3 pm, the time when Aki arrives at their home from his weekly shopping.

Today is his birthday and the most elegant way to celebrate it is by sending him a package that you brought from a stranger in Craiglist. It's not that you don't care what Aki's reaction would be upon receiving the gift that you're not even sure looks the same as what you have seen online, it's just that craiglist is the only website that sells the one that you're looking for.

Now you're just waiting for the boy to text to you his reaction with your gift.

You felt your phone vibrated and immediately took a glimpse at the notification, only to see a message from your brunette friend. 

Ugly Duck: Oi you snot, meet me at the usual spot at the lake.. imma talk to you about something

Strings of grunts escaped your throat as you thought it was a thank you but all you see is some invitation texted in the dorkiest way possible, Aki style.

Your hand reached your cheek before scratching it for a couple of second, tired with the fact that the walk to the lake from your house would take at least half an hour. If it was not his birthday then there's a one hundred percent chance you'll ditch him.

"Alright you nitwit, you better give a good reason why I should spend your birthday here in an uncared lake." The sound of the dried leaves crushing beneath your feet met with the soft roars of the flame that Aki made to lessen the cold breeze of the night. The brunette tilted his head, a bright smile decorating his face upon seeing your presence going towards him.

"Obviously, it's because today's my birthday and... I wanted to do some campfire stuff." You retained yourself from breaking his choice of birthday celebration by just simply nodding with his statement and sitting beside him on the slightly damp yet comfortable ground.

"Anyways.. thanks for the gift tho.. I really liked it. Apart from the dead rat that was also inside the box." You blinked your eyes consecutively, a huge smile now planted in your face as you tried to stop yourself from laughing.

"That's not my fault. I'm not the one who packaged it." You raised your hand in defense, the huge teasing grin still retained in your face causing Aki to roll his eyes and just chuckled.

"Are you hungry? Would you like some food?" He asked, reaching out for his bag while digging for a certain object.

"Yep." You responded quickly, your stomach growling in excitement.

"Actually, me too." There was a solid 2 minutes of silence after Aki said those words. All you did as a response was blinking of your eyes while he was waiting patiently for your reaction.

"Oh come on, (Y/N)... At least react a little to my joke." 

"Well, it was a boring one. What do you expect?" He rolled his eyes as you released a dozen of laughs only after you said that response before ruffling his hair.

"I'm just messing with you, birthday boy. That was a good one." The smile on his face grew wider as he excitedly gave his self a satisfied pat on the chest. He grabbed a bag of marshmallows and tossed it to you despite the fact that you're literally just half a ruler away from him.

"Ah finally! You made me wait for this!" You shoved your hand inside the bag before taking out a handful of the fluffy goodness and stuffed it at once in your mouth.

"Sho, vhat shid you vant chu ctalk about?"Despite the words sounding gibberish due to you talking with your mouth full, Aki surprisingly understood you clearly. He neatly placed both of his hand on his lap before releasing a deep sigh.

"I know this is pretty sudden but... I'll be heading to Taiwan tomorrow." You felt your jaw going numb from the sudden announcement as you shifted your gaze towards his eyes, locking your sight at it.

"Shut up, Aki. That's not a good joke."

"I'm serious... I know this is a really cliche reason for you but, my dad got a promotion and now he's assigned to work there.. so we had no choice but to live there as well." As if you lost your right senses, you stood up from where you were once sitting, your hands balled into a fist and is now shoved inside your pockets.

"Please tell me you're joking." I might sound like you're overreacting but the truth is, tears are now starting to leak out from your eyes as you find breathing a very hard task to do.

"I wish I am... My parents already went there first since they gave me time to... say goodbye.. My flight will be tomorrow in the morning at 10."

And just with that, you felt your world crumble once more and dispersed into the abyss. No one likes departures, well maybe not all, but you're not one of the minority who does not get emotional when someone special to your life just randomly poofs out of your view.

Someone special like Kusuo...

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