Chapter 1|| Changes

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Hey!. I'm Ella - May and I have a pretty interesting story to tell you. It started in Sixth Form. I was sat by a cool guy called Brandon, It was the English lesson and well let me tell you the whole story.

"Ugh. I dropped my pencil" I say dragging myself under the table trying my hardest to not make a scene.

"Here!." Brandon says smiling holding his hand out with my pencil in it.

"T - Thanks!." I say blushing taking the pencil back.

"It's no problem!." Brandon says grabbing his backpack to go to next lesson. "What do you have now?.." Brandon asks walking towards the old creaking door.

"M - Music." I say blushing even more.

"Same!. Wanna walk together?." He asks trying to grab my hand.

"Are you doing a dare or something?!." I ask going Pale.

"I'm not like that." Brandon says scowling.

"Oh. Alright. If you insist." I say letting him grab my hand.

We walk to lesson but before we got there Brandon insisted we go to town and go on a short date to get to know another. I did tell him I was worried about not getting to class on time but he wasn't having ANY. Of it so I gave up in the end and let him pay for the food. What?.. Take it as a compliment.

"That was some good food!" I say laughing.

"It was also expensive food." Brandon says looking through his now empty wallet.

"But to be fair that is the best restaurant in London!" I say realising - The best restaurant in LONDON!.

"Did you say BEST Restaurant?!." Brandon says going Ghost White.

"Y - Yes?.." I say worrying about the colour he was turning.

"MY COLLAGE FUNDS ARE GONE!." Brandon says running back to the restaurant.

"WAIT!. ILL PAY FOR DRINKS!." I say grabbing Brandon's hand.

"How, We're 17?." Brandon says turning around.

"My dads awesome." I say getting on Brandon's back to have a 'Piggyback'.

"Let's go!." Brandon says letting me climb onto his back.

- At My Dads Pub -

"So.." Brandon says rubbing my knee

"Yes?..." I say grinning.

"Do you wanna... Maybe um date me?." Brandon says blushing like a tomato.

"Um I mean -" I get cut off by the fire alarm going off.


_______ Heres The New Part _______

I ran. I grabbed Brandon by the hand and ran.

"QUICK!". I screamed running out the very warm building.

"Its... Gone." I say letting tears fall down my disappointed and worried face.

"Wait.... DAD!." I scream before trying to get to the falling building.

"ELLA!. WHAT ARE YOU, CRAZY?!. YOU COULD DIE!. I'M NOT LOOSING YOU TO A FIRE... Not after what happened to my mum, I'M NOT LOOSING ANYONE TO A FIRE AGAIN!." Brandon says with the fire reflecting off of his face.

"I can't let him... Die." I say falling to the floor.

"He won't die!". Brandon says trying to comfort me.

"I'm sorry."

"Huh -" I pushed Brandon to the ground and sprint for my dad.

"ELLA!. NO!. PLEASE NO!." I hear Brandon scream.

"I... Have to." I say stopping to tell him.

"Please!. Let me save my daddy!." I say trying my hardest not to fall from my saw leg.

"You're to weak!" Brandon says picking me up.

"I need to save my dad -" I blanked out

- At The Hospital -

I wake up to see a boy sat at the bottom of my bed - Followed by a Doctor.

"Hello, Miss. Ella. I'm Doctor. Elliot but you CAN Call me Eliot." The man says

"Who's he?." I say looking at the boy at the bottom of my bed

"BRANDON!. I'M BRANDON!." The boy says.

"I'm sorry, sir. I forgot to mention. She has Amnesia and she can't remember anyone apart from a woman who used to abuse her.

"SHE DIDN'T ABUSE ME!." I scream at the petrified doctor.

"Calm down Ella!" The man at the bottom of my bed says.

"Shut up!. I don't even know you so get out!." I say.

"Fine. If you can remember I'll make you!." 'Brendon' says looking at me noticing him crying.

"Wait!. Are you Brandon Palmer." I ask looking  up at him.

"Y - Yes!. I'm Brandon Palmer!." The boy says jumping with joy.

"You look... Strange" I say scratching my head.

"You have a huge scar down your face!" I say really confused

"Wait... My Great - Grandad he was called Brandon and he had a huge scar down his face!" The doctor says. "He was in World War 2 though!. How do you know him, how do you know what he looked like?!."

"What do you mean?!." I say looking up at the doctor "It's 1941!." I say looking around the room.

"Now where's my Brandon!." I say jumping out of my hospital bed unsuccessfully.

"Ella. YOU'RE ELLA - MAY!." Brandon scrams towards  me and holds my hands. "How old do you think you are?." Brandon asks me holding me putting his hands each side of my face.

"Sweetheart, I'm 17!" I say pushing his hand off my face.

"What's wrong with her?!." Brandon asks worried sick.

"Try to tell her it's 2018!." Elliot says calling for more nurses and doctors.

"Sit down, Ella." Brandon demands.

"Who's Ella?. I only know Ella - May, And SHE'S in the room across playing Panic! At The Disco WAY TO LOUD!." The elderly woman screeches. (Sorry if I confused you, explanation will be at the end 😂).

- At ELLA'S Hospital Room -

"Brandon Palmer WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!!." I  scream.

"It's a long story..." Brandon says smiling "I'm so glad you're okay".

To Be Continued

ALRIGHT!. Explanation time;

So the doctor (Elliot) Has a person who is very ill. And she is in the room across from Ella - May. But the receptionist gave Elliot the wrong details. But Elliot is a new doctor so he follows the directions of the paper. Brandon didn't notice because he's always holding his head in his hands. The doctor didn't know what Ella - May looks like so he can't tell the difference. Although I guess Brandon has no exception. Anyways Part Two will be out soon!. Bye x!.

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