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Min Young's POV
It is the time, 'our' wedding day has come. I was dressed in a top less white gown. With light makeup. My hair was braided with very small diamond circles.
I was really nervous. When I am already done, I walked to a gigantic door. While, my mom accompanied me. The door finally opened. I saw Taehyung. He wore a black suit. Well, he is really attractive and good looking. Sure, I am falling in love with him. And, he sure doesn't like me back. If I confess, he'll just reject me.
Taehyung's POV
The door finally opened. Out came Seo Hyun. She looked nervous. She slowly walked towards me and her dad. When she reached the place bside me, blah blah blah. And we exchanged rings. And then you may kiss the bride. Seo Hyun gulped. I leaned slowly and kissed her deeply.
Then, we finally went to our house.
She walked to her room. Not even laying an eye on me.
I washed up and dressed up in pyjamas. I walked to her room.
"Yah!" I said and jumped to her bed.
She moaned.
"Yah!!! What are you doing here?!" she yelled
"Excuse me?! This is still part of my house!" I shouted and raised my voice
"Aish, this kid" she murmured under her breath. I ruffled her hair. And, her eyes widened. What is so shocking about that?
"Go back to your room, V" she said
"Yah, it's the first time you call me V. Call me Taehyung pabo-yah" I teased and she rolled her eyes.
I went back to my room and slept. I woke up early in the morning. I went straight to Seo Hyun's room with a wide smile. What is seriously wrong with me? Am I really in love with her? Aish... I can't understand! I thought to myself. I jumped in her bed.
"Wake up, Pabo!It is morning already! And be quick in washing up, slug!" I said warmly. She moaned as she still was sleeping.
I shook her really really hard.
"Taaeeehhhhyyyuuuunnnggg!" she shouted as World War III started. War of tickles.
We ate breakfast.
"Dress up, we are going to a party! Do not dress in such short clothes." I said
Seo Hyun's POV
I dressed up in a black sweater that was hand length, ripped jeans and black converse shoes.
We went together to the party. When we arrived there, the place smelled of alcohol and smoke... Oh no...

My Miss Faker (BTS V)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora