Chapter 4 - Infiltration

Start from the beginning

Anna looked at Shen Mo and Jiang Li as if they were jumping at the tigers den. Turning back again she whispered something but unfortunately they couldn't hear it

"Well then, follow me".

Shen Mo looked at the clothes presented to him by Ye Jiang Li. The two of them were led sneakily by Anna to this room and ordered by her to change in the clothes located within to disguise themselves.

Wearing the black turtle neck, black pants and gloves he also changed his surgical mask to a black cloth covering his nose, mouth, and left eye. Ye Jiang Li wore the same clothing as him but instead of a cloth he had a black face mask instead with a white X designed on it.

Hearing the knocking outside signaling them to get out already they exited the room.

"Ok I already helped you enough, now I'm out"

With her hands folded she let out a menacing aura directed at Ye Jiang Li

"Yeah yeah I know, but according to our deal you cannot warn the AD Org. of our arrival and you can only tell them about us when they ask you but only if we already escape"

Ye Jiang Li recollected the rules of their deal in which annoyed Anna to the bone.

After she left Shen Mo and Ye Jiang Li went on with their plan.
Ye Jiang Li is the one to approach and take back Zhu Huang while Shen Mo back him up.


Shen Mo work hard on acting normally as he passed by to men while walking towards the corridor. Basing on his experience he can tell that one was an assassin while the other was not

He was about to turn into another corner when the assassin one called out to him. Shen Mo froze and paled

'SHITTTT!!! Wait I need to calm down maybe he just need something Oh God please!'

Wearing an indifferent expression on his face Shen Mo confronted the guy

"What are you walking that way for? Hurry it up, the commander ordered us to go to the front station. He's here!"

'What do they mean by he's here?'

Shen Mo wondered what caused the two of them to be so shaken and why in the name of hell did the commanders, the leaders of the 5 wings that made up the AD Org. gathered together for something. The 5 people who were at the pinnacle of the AD Org. usually do not meet up with each other. Heck he'd be lucky to even see 2 of them in the same room, if you could even meet one.

"I'll be their in a minute, a senior ordered me to look up some files at the monitor room in the west wing"

Talking in a monotone voice he thank the two men and rushed towards the monitoring room.
While running he wondered what the commotion was about.
Shen Mo's instincts tell him that whatever was happening here its definitely gonna affect there mission in a good or bad way. Instincts tell its the latter.

Arriving at the monitoring room he slide the identification card for it to open. Shen Mo doesn't know how Ye Jiang Li manage to get his hands on one to give him but he has no doubt that it wasn't in a pleasant way.

The inside of the room were full of screens showing the images of the the underground building they were currently on. Shen Mo scanned each of the screens and the buttons for each of the CCTVs.

"Jackpot! The CCTV for Huang Gege's cell"

In the AD Org. when a person was captured due to either failing a mission purposely or treachery they were placed on the west building of the base.
The AD Org. is a large organization spreaded all over the world but it's base is located in A City in China in the form of a very large underground building. The building is separated into 4 parts, the center area, the north,south,west,east wing.

Now searching through the screens and devices within the west wing monitoring room, Shen Mo tries to find the right buttons so that the cameras and security measures leading up to Zhu Huang's cell can be unactivated.

Finally finding the handles and buttons for the job Shen Mo shuts them down and praised himself for still being able to remember how to work one of this even after 8 years have pass.

'I should probably report back to Ye Jiang Li now so that he can rescue Huang Gege and meet up with me again'

Shen Mo then reached out for his phone to contact his partner in crime

"Hey! Who are you!? What are you doing here?"

Shen Mo snapped his sight behind him to see a Brody man gawking at him

"Are you seeking death! What are you still doing here"

He was about to unsheath his dagger when the man suddenly warily shouted at him as if he was crazy

"Commander Guo ordered all of us from the west wing to go towards the audience area. Unless you want to be killed later hurry it up"

Confusion wrapped all around Shen Mo's mind

'Commander Guo, Audience area, Hurry it up!? What is fucking going on?'

The broady man then directed his attention to the stack of paper located beside him. He took it, along with a phone and dragged Shen Mo out of the room.

"The commander will lashed out at everyone if one of us is not present, so I'm warning you to not get us in trouble"

Those were the last words the man said to Shen Mo before walking of towards the way of the audience area.

Shen Mo was left dumbfounded by what just happened but he quickly regain his senses and immediately contacted Ye Jiang Li. Shen Mo said to Ye jiang Li that the cameras and security system were already down at the cell so he could go in their smoothly but the actions of the members that interacted with him left his warning alarms ringing so he talk about it with Ye Jiang Li, unfortunately his friend was as confuse as him so the two decided to be more wary.

Wanting to confirm what was going Shen Mo asked Ye Jiang Li if he could go to the audience area to investigate the problem and how much it might affect their mission. Receiving an ok from the other side of the phone, Shen Mo begun to find his way towards the audience area.

Clutching the phone in his hand Ye Jiang Li cursed under his breath

'Of all the time why does it have to be today that something chaotic happens around here! After busting Zhu Huang out of here I'm going to need to have a talk with what is going on here with Anna'

With this thought in mind he swiftly passed through the corridors running towards  the place he knew Zhu Huang was located

Something wrong was going on, he knows it. And the chances of it being involved with the imprisonment of his Zhu Huang was more than he'd like it to be

Clicking his tongue and pushing down the worries bubbling in his heart he tries to arrive faster at his target location

'Zhu Huang you bastard. You better be safe or I'll end you myself!'


Authors note: mission save Zhu Huang in commission and no worries. I promise the next chapter is going to be quite exciting.

I'm also thinking about making a specific chapter for a flashback in the past and POV of the ML during those 8 years.

After they busted Zhu Huang out of the AD Org. ofcourse

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