The Day Before the Wedding

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~a week later~

Christine's POV

Meg left a week ago. I wish we didn't end on such bad terms but I don't want anyone to think they can come in between Erik's and my relationship. I sigh softly but smiles as I think tomorrow I'll become Mrs. Christine Elizabeth Daae Destler! I giggle as I think of my mothers wedding dress I go and look at the beautiful wedding gown I smile as I think of my dad. I tear up a bit but shakes it away and sings to my father.

"Papa, you taught me to do the right things

So now you have to let your baby fly

You've given me everything that I will need

To make it through this crazy thing called life

And I know you watched me grow up

And only want what's best for me

And I think I found the answer to your prayers

And he is good, so good

He treats your little girl like a real man should

He is good, so good

He makes promises he keeps

No he's never gonna leave

So don't you worry about me

Don't you worry about me

Papa there's no way you'll ever lose me

Watching me getting married is not goodbye

As you watch me walk down to my future

I hope tears of joy are in your eyes

'Cause he is good, so good

And he treats your little girl like a real man should

He is good, so good

He makes promises he keeps

No he's never gonna leave

So don't you worry about me

Don't you worry about me

And when I watch my baby grow up

I'll only want what's best for her

And I hope she'll find the answer to my prayers

And that she'll say

He is good, so good

And he treats your little girl like a real man should

He is good, so good

He makes promises he keeps

No he's never gonna leave

So don't you worry about me

Don't you worry about me

Papa don't you worry about me

Don't you worry about me"

I smile again before looking softly at a picture I packed when leaving the opera house. I gently play with the fabric of the dress then gets up and goes get some decorations even though the wedding is small. I still want it to look pretty Meg is coming I still want her there but I am still mad it sounds insane that she's coming to the wedding but she's my only friend.

Besides she probably won't even come but it doesn't matter if Erik and I were the only people there because we are the ones getting married. I start to go get the decor before Erik comes up and grabs me from behind pulling me to him. I yelp first trying to get away but he's too strong.

"Erik let me go!" I try to wiggle out of his grasp again but he only holds me tighter "why?" I can hear the pout I look to him and kisses him "because... I need... to... decorate... for... our... wedding" I say as he deepens the kisses I pull away and he pulls me back whispering "I've already gotten it done."

I open my mouth to speak but instead he takes the advantage and plants a full on kiss to me. Letting his tongue explore my mouth before massaging mine. I moan loudly instead of pulling away I pull him closer he chuckles "I knew this would drive you into my arms instead of away" I moan again as he nibbles my bottom lip I then pull away resting my head on his shoulder catching my breath "you've already gotten it done you said?"

He nods "yes I got nadir to get someone to decorate but you can go inspect if you wish." I nod "I will later... but I can't believe this is happening I've waited so long for this to happen" I whisper he sighs happily "as have I darling. Ever since I laid my eyes on you." he whispers in my ear I chuckle then pats his chest "alright let me go inspect the sooner the better right?" He nods I smile and gets the directions to the place and goes.

I walk into a beautiful mansion sized ballroom decorated with black and gold. I spin around as if someone were dancing with me and smiles as I imagine Erik and I having this place to ourself. I look around at all the ribbon and vases with rose petals all over the table. I go over and sees a drawing of me I imagine Erik drew it himself that artist. I then see one of us together our lips molded together in a passionate kiss. Then I see the last picture of Erik he looks so happy I laugh as I think of tomorrow.

I walk around on the floor then sees a beautiful crystal glass bowl I'm guessing for drinks. I smile as I imagine Erik and I on the floor with ourselves dancing smiling and laughing together. I look around more then hears someone cough. "Ahem" and sees Erik and runs into his arms as he catches me spinning me around and around "oh Erik! It's beautiful! I love it!"

I kiss him softly "are you sure you're ok with not sharing this place with anyone else like you could with--" before he finishes knowing what he's going to say I kiss him and whispers "it's perfect I couldn't have had it better. I don't need a big fancy wedding or dress or ball for it all I need is the two of us finally becoming husband and wife saying the words that will make us one soul, one flesh and one heart. I don't care for a big amount of people darling in fact I never wanted a huge wedding."

He smiles and kisses me again "as long as you are happy my dear." I tear up "oh Erik, I'm always happy when I'm with you no one could make me happier!" I watch as he tears up as well and whispers "I'm very lucky to have a woman like you Christine. How did I end up with such a beautiful, caring, sweet, loving woman as you." I cry softly smiling as I respond "and how did I end up with such a loving, amazing, protective, musical talented genius such as you?" We laugh and cry at the same time as we hug I whisper in his ear "I can't imagine my life without you Erik, I truly can't." " I know darling I can't either!" We embrace a little longer before we pull away walking hand in hand back home.


The song I used was by Carrie underwood I tweaked it to papa but it's the song 'Mama's song'

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