
12:27 A.M.

Hi, hello, welcome back to hell. I'm your host Gen, and I'm hear today to talk more about blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You get what I'm tryna say.

Bitch, it's an Au:

Is there an alternate universe where you marry your fictional crush??? If so, SiGn Me ThE fUcC uP.

Earth is the after life:

What if we're all dead. What if we're actually in the heavens or something and we're already gone from whatever world we used to live in. What if humans are actually angels and some angels are actually corrupted, therefor leading to some people being a horrible person. What if you committed suicide and instead of dying you're actually gonna live again. What if heaven isn't as big or as elaborate as we thought and this is how it is now. What if this is hell and living here is actually just a punishment. What if past lives are actually you remember the last time you were here. What if earth is neither heaven or hell but purgatory. You're just in the middle and you being determined if you are going to the two mythical places. This is just the last step before you actually go into the final stage. Which is heaven or hell. Or maybe angels and demons are like humans accept one is with wings and one us with horns. And they believe in something.

Or maybe your an atheist and don't really care. If so then I'm cool with that to.

The choice:

What  if you choose what after life you choose to go to. For example you either get to go to idk, Christianity relm, where you are sorted into heaven or hell. Or rebirth, but if made a bad choice in the life before then you will have a bad life in the next one. Or maybe you would wish to go to the under world and be at the hands of those who place you in the better parts if the underworld or you will suffer for all erernity. Idk just a thought.

Swimming pregnant women are basically human submerines.

I took a break and went to go read some more fics. Came back to finish this off

2:09 A.M

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