11 1 4

4:53 P.M.


Sup, Fuckers. Let's jump into it.


How would a author describe you? Like, if you were in a book, how would people know it was you based off of facial features and what the text says. For example, I'd probably be described as:

Long black coffee hair. Chocolate eyes, with glasses of silver. And a utter and complete dumb ass. She walks around her house with a resting bitch face while looking for her morning coffee.

And that's giving me a bit to much credit. I mean, would the author hate creating you because your a waste of space, or would they enjoy you for contributing to the story? How would other characters view you. Would you be the villain? Hero? Side character? Or background character? Would you be on the side of evil or good?

What genre would you be in anyway? Adventure? Historical fiction? Mystery? Thriller? Etc. To be honest I would love mine to have something to do with thriller, or the supernatural. Scratch that. I'd want to be in fan fiction. Just watch from the sidelines as it all unfolds. Seeing my ships finally get together :") 

If only that were to happen... DAMN YOU CW

Any who. I'm just gonna write my own little narrative of myself because I'm really bored. :")

There she sat. In here seat. Because... you know... she's sitting. Actually I don't have to explain myself, shut up. She was sitting in front of her computer, typing away a narrative. "This is stupid the girl scoffed and rolled her eyes at how big of a idiot she is. Taking a sip from her water bottle, and setting back down, I ... I meant she... continued typing in the darkly lit room. Her long black coffee hair was tied up into a bun, as she typed with one hand, for she had injured herself at taekwondo. 

That's all for now folks.

Bye Hoes,


Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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Late night thoughts+random ShitTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang