
2:43 A.M.

Is that how you write a date? Can't seem to remember. Oh well. Hello and welcome to my hellish state of mind. I'm Gen, your host. Fabulous aren't I? Jk you can't see me. So if you said yes or no then fucc you, you don't even know how I look. I'm sorry please forgive me for my rudeness. Okay you know what I'll just shut up (even tho I ain't talking and you can't here me) and give you my rant

The pain of being apart of a different culture and having to type in that language and fuccing auto correct fuccs you up:

You know what I hate? Fuccing auto correct. But doesn't everybody? Yes, but it's even worse when you speak in a different language. For example I speak Spanish. So when I try to even type in a word like "casa" (that auto corrected to cat when I typed it just now) it corrects itself to a word that I DONT EVEN USE THAT OFTEN. Like, what the hell phone? How DARE  you disrespect me. I am your master! I'm the one who brought you into this world. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me. I can chuck (Hehe chuck... spn get it?) You out of here in a heart beat. But I don't now do I?! Because I still love you despite how much of a gosh darn pain in the ass you are. Can't we just get along??? I want to think of you as my child but I can't given the dilemmas that you put me in. Oof, sorry, we're getting off topic.


You know what's funny? A couple years ago, 1st grade me finally realized that people are kind of like angels but not really in a way. There are some people who truly care for you and would be there for you through thicc and thin. Then there are the others. The snakes of the world. The ones who say they are with you and say that they support you, but I reality, if they get a chance, they would yeet you out of a window without hesitation if it means they can be above you. Remember me dear people who are probably not reading this, Lucifer was once an angel. :D

Idk random Doctor Who crap:

So like what If his/her companion went through emotional shite on their last visit through time or on a planet or smthn. And he or she is like "im sorry Doctor *puts hand on forehead dramatically* it appears that I need some space from all this trauma D:" and doc basically grabs her by the hand, leads her to the TARDIS doors, opens them, shows her the galaxy and says "WE ARE LITTERALY FLOATING IN A DIFFERENT GALAXY AND YOU NEED wot, SPACE?! WHAT MORE CAN YOU HAVE?!" and then the episode ends there or some crap like that.

HAahAaahHaHahAAAaa iM sO rAnDoM:

You know those chick's that are like "OMG I AM SO RANDOM LOL" and act like they're the only girl who acts like that. Well listen here honey, idk if this is gonna come in as quite a shocker so prepare yourself

There was this one time, back from 2012 to 2015 I think, where chicken nuggets were such a big thing. There was this one thing that I saw of guy reacting to girls, and one of the posts that he read was something like "before my wedding I went to pass by McDonald's to get chicken nuggets, and when I got there I just ate while they were doing me makeup. Omg I'm so random." Me and the d00d were like. "B I T C H    S T F U"
Like seriously... just stop... pLeAsE

End time:

3:37 A.M.

Well dearest people of this shit world, goodnight. I ain't going to sleep yet though, I'm gonna read me some of them destiel fanfics ;)
I'm sorry I'm kinda sleep deprived but whatever. My apologize for my bad grammar or missed spelled words. Happy holidays and shit. Good night.

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