"It's perfectly fine. It's my fault. If I wasn't there you would have been faster."

"Chan will be more indulgent if he knows you were with me." He said to not make me feel bad.

"No, he will not. He will only tease you to make you feel uncomfortable."

"You're right. But being with you isn't a shame. I was really happy, to be honest."

He told me this before looking away. He opened the door of his house and headed to the car. Still blushing like a mess I followed him and we jumped in the car.


When we finally arrived in front of my building, I only had the time to thank him and get a bright smile from him as well as an acute wave. He left as soon as he could. That wasn't rude since I knew what he will have to deal with when he'll be at the studio this late.

When I opened the door of our dance room. Minho was already there with a smirk on his face. I knew he was waiting for me to tell him what happened last night with Changbin.

"Nothing happened if that's what you thought. We slept and that's all."

"Nothing else really?"

"Nothing else."

"That's so sad. When will you two kiss?"


"Oh come on! You slept together! You love him, he loves you. Now kiss."

"He does not love me."

"Yes, he does. Everyone can see it. I think you need me in your relationship! If you can't do the first move, I'll tell Changbin that you love him."

"No! Please don't do it! It will be awkward."

"Then do the first move. What do you have to risk? If he loves you, you'll live your best life and if he doesn't then you will be free of this secret. Don't you think it's better to tell him? You are suffering from your secret I can see that it hurts you."

"But... I don't know how to tell him..." I sighed.

That's right. I know I love him more than anything else. I want to be with him so much. Last night gave me hope and a lot of joy, I wonder if I'll get the chance to experience this again.
But how can I tell him? It's really hard...

" Just asked him on a date! Ask him if he's free tomorrow!"

Like it was that simple to do...

"Are you sure? Do I have to say that it's a date? Can't I just say that I want to hang out?"

"No! Tell him that this is a date and see how he reacts!"


Now I was scared to send him a text. Anyway, I know I'll have to wait for tonight because he will be working a lot today and I don't want to disturb him.

Changbin POV

I was running towards the door of the studio hoping Chan will not be angry. Have I opened the door, Chan lifted his head up and look at me.

"What's your excuse?" He told me with a quite angry look.

"Hum... Felix slept in my house yesterday so... Hum... We... I.." I didn't know what to say because I didn't have a real excuse.

"Felix slept with you????" Jisung asked me in shock. Then, he couldn't stop laughing and I saw Chan cracked a smile. I felt so embarrassed. Felix was right.

× It Is Love - Changlix ×Where stories live. Discover now