#16 - They Always Get Right Back To You

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If they never let a text sit on read for longer than 20 minutes — or, alternatively, they text you back hours later with a "Sorry I missed this!" then you're golden. You wouldn't bother responding to someone whom you're not interested in, would you? And if your crush saw you as just a friend, they probably wouldn't be worried about whether or not they're leaving you hanging. I mean, I don't know about you, but I am always forgetting to text my friends back. But it's not like anybody is actually worried about it.

Now, some people are just not great texters. Your crush might still like you and just not be that great with their phone. Try not to keep tabs on timestamps too closely. If you call them, it rolls to voicemail, and they text you back a "Hey what's up?" they were either in a meeting or they're not interested. Follow your gut.

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