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My life was great. I had an amazing family, my parents loved me and why twin brother wasn't as bad as other siblings people talk about. We were not rich nor did we end up living on the street. We lived a pretty normal life. At least i thought we did. It all started a few weeks ago .i was in the middle of blushing my nice fluffy black fur.when i heard my dad slam the door, witch he does not do often. It made me jump a bit on my silt covered bed.i slowly took a peek out my bedroom door to look into the hallway. My mother and father were standing there, seeming to be talking about something. “What should we do?” i heard my mother say in almost like whisper “We can't just sit here and let this happen i mean what wha--” my dad stopped her mid sentence “don't worry we will figure something out” my dad said calmly. My mom seemed to calm down at his words “let's talk more about this tomorrow” he said “If we sleep on it we might have an idea what to do” he kissed her on the cheek and slowly started to go towards his room. Making me close my door and rush myself back to my bed. “ what were they talking about?” i thought to myself as i started to brush my fur once more. “What do they mean by us? What could possibly be wrong?’ i looked down at my fur, noticing that it was this silvery bluish black. I finished blushing and slowly started to get dressed for bed, i layed in bed that night, wondering what my parents were talking about

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