Day Before Part II: Buring The Hatchet

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The time was here. Many allies came to Totto land to celebrate, this special occasion which is rarely seen. (Y/N) and Katakuri were getting ready after they had left a few minutes before to prepare they big entrance. Prospero, Cracker, Oven, and Daifuku have been given an order by Big Mom to take charge of security for the night since Big Mom want Touma to enjoy the festival and meet to guest her.

This is why Touma was feeling uncomfortable with himself just standing there greeting people. He looks at the sky, thinking. Touma continues to have a bad feeling ever since he saw that boy with blue hair. He hopes he was overeating cause he is going to walk (Y/N) down the alley tomorrow. Touma's thoughts are interrupted by Big Mom gleeful shout

"Oh may Doflamingo, Who is she?!" Touma looks down to see what big mom was talking about. He notices someone with Doflamingo.

Her eyes and hair are black, as the starless night sky, matching her pale white skin. In addition, her black hair is worn in an upwards manner with two long strands that frame either side of her face. She had worn a simple of a long black sleeveless dress; however, this dress is incredibly long, in that it completely conceals her feet, while ending in eight small trailing pieces of fabric. A narrow black band encircles her neck featuring a small bat emblem that lies at its front. Spider-like webbing netting branches the gap between the band and the dress, extending downwards from the aforementioned bat emblem. Two large "sleeves", separated entirely from the dress, are worn on her arms, ending just after her elbows. The dress fitting well to her curvy figure, with very large breasts, a thin waist, and wide hips.

Touma's eyes start to widen while he realizes who was standing in front of him. His face grows pale as he thought he will never see her face again. He was sure they were all gone. The lady's red stained lips smirk at Touma as she says in a devilish playful tone,
"I am Karina the witching mother of Nightmare but you can just call me, Nightmare-chan. Nice to you see again, Touma...

 Nice to you see again, Touma

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

..The Dragon Bird of The North..." Big Mom looks at Touma confuse and slightly interested. She says, "A witch? I thought all the witches died-"
"Died out? Yes, I am the only one full grown witch left" Nightmare-Chan says in her interrupts. Then, Doflamingo asks possessively,
" Do you know him, Doll?"

"Yes, you can say that but it is nothing be worried about my dearly. Are you okay, Touma? You are looking rather pale." She answers in taunting tone. Touma snapped out of shock as he starts to clear his throat before responding,

"No, I am just shocked to see you again. I hope you will enjoy the ceremony as you are at your best behavior, Madame Nightmare. It is just you two? No one else I should be aware of?" Touma worries that the witch was lying to Big Mom, so she may be hiding forces for an ambush. Nightmare-Cha a thought a little bit before admitting, "Well I only have my two-year daughter old, Arachne, and my month old daughter, Medusa. "

Suddenly, One little brunette girl's head pops out smiling from under Doflamingo's feather coat while Touma notices Madame Nightmare was carrying a small baby, which cover in black blankets, explains why he didn't notice before. Tourma sighs. He thoughts to him, 'I am just being Paranoid as he smiles at the couple and says,

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