∞ Chapter 2 ∞

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I woke up to my alarm at 10 a.m.  I wanted to have time to get ready to babysit the neighbors son, Hudson, today. I walked downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast.
"Good morning mama"
"Good morning, I have to head out to work early today. Don't forget, Mrs. Hernandez is expecting you before 2 today."
"I know I'll go over there a little bit early to get used to their house, have a good first day at work."
She gave me a kiss on the forehead and say goodbye then hurried outside. I finished eating breakfast and washed my dishes then went back up to my room. I took a nice long shower and picked out an outfit that was cute but comfortable. I put my brown curly hair into I quick messy bun and threw on a little bit of concealer, nothing fancy. I looked in the mirror and was ready to go out for a while before I had to babysit. I wasn't very familiar with the area but remembered Mrs. Hernandez say there was a park nearby. I grabbed my phone, headphones, and keys before heading out the door.

I started my music playlist on shuffle and began to walk in whatever direction to pass some time. It was only around 12:30 when I saw the park right next to the basketball court. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a few boys looking in my direction. One caught my eye, he had on red shorts and some of the best curls I've seen on a guy before. I realized how long I'd been staring so I forced myself to turn around and started heading back home.

I passed a little flower shop and thought it would be a nice gesture to give to the neighbors. I looked around the shop for quite a while and ended up just buying some tulips I thought were pretty. After leaving the shop and walking back home, it was around 1:10. I had absolutely nothing to do so I just went up and knocked on the neighbors door with the flowers in my hand. Mrs. Hernandez opened the door with a big smile on her face.
"Hello, I know I'm early but I brought you some flowers."i said as I gave them to her and watched her as she put them in a vase.
" Oh how thoughtful of you Bri, you really didn't have to. Hudson is in the living room over here."

I followed Mrs. Hernandez to the living room and saw the cutest little boy with curly hair.
"Hi Hudson, I'm Bri"
"Hi" he seemed kind of shy. His mother noticed his short response.
"He can be a little quiet around new people but he'll warm up to you..." she said as her phone started ringing. "I actually just got a call and they want me to go in early. Is that alright?"
"Oh, yeah of course"
"I won't be back until pretty late but Ivan will be home later, he said he might stop by with some of his friends, I told him you would be here already so no worries. I just know how he can be occupied with his friends and forget that Hudson needs all of his attention. I left some food in the fridge and Hudson keeps himself entertained for the most part. Make yourself at home."
"Ok goodbye"
Well this should be fun.

Hudson and I started watching movies and playing games together. I would say he's warming up to me. About an hour and a half later I hear a knock on the door.
"Hey it's Ivan, I left my keys, can you open the door."
At first I was a little startled but got myself together. I opened the door to be faced with the same tall, curly headed boy from the park earlier. Before, I wasn't really able to see his facial features but now I had the most perfect view. I thought I being weird again only to find that he was staring right back at me.
"Hi I'm Bri, the babysitter"

Hey, I hope you're enjoying the story. I'm going to try to update every day  and keep this story interesting! Bye loves!

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