I love you

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"I don't understand how men can be so condescending and vile!" Katherine snapped, slamming their apartment door behind her. Work had begun to bring out the worst in her, and all she wanted to to was lock herself in her room and never see her bosses face again in her whole life.

"Woah, Kath. What's with you tonight?"  Jack asked her, surprised. Though he knew that it was pretty much useless, because he knew exactly what was wrong. 

"I just can't stand him anymore, Jack! I didn't even do anything wrong, I guess I just woke up one day and he decided  'Let's make Katherine's whole existence miserable and give her no big stories. Sorry Katherine, back to the social pages even though you have written great headlines for me!' I don't get it!" She said,   walking over to the couch Jack was on and sitting down next to him.

"I don't get it, I just don't."

Jack, still surprised at Katherine's very sudden outburst, took her in his arms.

"Kath, this is the third time this week you came home like this. Are you finally ready to let me go give that man a piece of my mind." and he really would, if Katherine didn't hold him back. He hated seeing her upset, and he hated people who upset her even more.

"No, Jack" she laughed, calming down " The last thing I need right now is for you to get in a fight with my boss."

"Why not, you know I'd wi-"


"Alright, fine, ok. Just trying to help." Jack said with fake hurt lacing his voice.

Katherine didn't know how, but Jack somehow always knew how to cheer her up. Removing herself from his hug, she went to go work on the article she was assigned. Even though she hated it, she was still getting paid. 'Oh well' she thought ' maybe if I write this good he'll finally give me a story'.

"Hey Kath, what's the story today?"

"Nothing good, obviously." She snapped, sounding harsher than she indented.

"Sheesh, alright Kath sorry."

"Jack, I didn't mean it like that I-"

" I know" Jack said, pulling up a chair to her desk right next to her.

" Oh, it's one of Medda's shows eh"

"Yep, second one this week. Nothing against her but I want something bigger."

Jack nodded, watching her type fast on her typewriter. He loved watching her type, looking at the focused look on her face. But that face wasn't there today, she just looked annoyed as she ripped and crumpled another piece of paper from her typewriter.

"Hey, Kath. I have a pretty good idea" Jack said, pulling her up from her work.

"Jack, not now please."

"Fine" he whined, getting Katherine too look at him.

"Fine Jack, what's your idea?" Katherine questioned, sincerely wanting to know.

"Oh you wanna know now hun" Jack said crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

"Yes, Jack!"

"Ok, ok. How about you tell me what to type, and I'll type in on your typewriter. That way you'll get a break."

"No, Jack." She laughed " Do you even know how to use a typewriter?"

"What kinda question is that, Kath! Do I know how to use a typewriter. Of course I know how to use it. Look, get up I'll show you." He said picking Katherine up from her chair and putting her where he was sitting.

"Alright, tell me what to type."

"Fine, Jack. Write exactly what I say. Medda Larkin and the Bowery Beauties are back wi-"

" Whoa Kath, slow down" he laughed looking at the mess he had written.

"Hey, is there an eraser on this thing"

"No Jack!"

At this point they were both falling off their chairs from laughter.

"Hey Jack"

"Yeah Katherine"

"I love you"

"I love you too, Ace"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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