Chapter 5 (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"You ok" Isaac asked. I rolled my eyes

"Why do you care"

"Never minds" he said annoyed.the bus hits a bump in the road and I winces in pain. Isaac and boys is worried. I pick up my hart to show my wound, deep punctures in my torso, is not healing.

"this is because the wound was inflicted by an Alpha, it takes longer to heal" I whispered.

but Isaac had to points out "Boyd and I have already recovered" Isaac said with worry in his eyes.

I say "he can't believe Derek is dead, my dad" then I black out.

~third POV~

Allison is following the bus. Lydia is riding shotgun and wonders aloud if Allison is stalking Scott. Allison says after what happened she isn't letting him out of her sight.

Coach berates a student named Jared (Jeremiah Sutheim - walk on role winner) about being carsick. Scott is dozing against the window and the Coach thinks he might be sick as well. He quickly sits up straight and says he's good.

Stiles points out "Scott's, your wound is bleeding again". They look over to see Andrea sleeping.

"I hope she's ok" Scott said.

They look over to see Ethan is listening to their conversation, they notice but

Scott says "he won't try anything in front of a bus full of people"

"What about the two ticking time bombs up their"Scott ignores and looks out the window.

Still following the bus, Lydia is reading a textbook titled "Thermodynamic: Asymmetry in Time". She puts the book down and points out that Allison is almost out of gas. Allison is worried she'll lose the bus.

Lydia says "it doesn't matter because we know where the team is headed"

Allison points out "Lydia, you didn't see what happened during the battle"

"I knows what started it."

Allison teases her asking if that is what Aiden told her. Lydia realizes that Allison is not just keeping an eye on Scott but on her as well. She to that she did not that she and Aiden are involved but then flashes back to a sexual exchange with him at school. He is apparently being too much of a gentleman and she tells him to put his hands "somewhere useful" so he grabs her bottom and lifts her up onto the desk.

Traffic on the road is stalled. Isaac checks his phone and says there is a jackknifed tractor trailer a few miles ahead. He looks ver to see Andrea unconscious but her wound is healing.

~with Cora and peter~

At the abandoned mall, Cora checks the escalator where Derek apparently fell to his death.she finally found him and now lost him . Peter shows up and they discuss that he killed Laura and that Derek killed him. Neither of them know if they can trust the other.

" you known me for 17 years" Cora points out

but he corrects her. "I knew you for the first 11 but that the last 6 are "unaccounted for".

They both wonder how the bodies of Derek and Ennis disappeared. They hope that it's a sign that Derek survived the fall and was able to walk away.

~back to the bus"

Boyd begins to wolf out. His eyes glow and he claws the back of the seat. He's so mad because his alpha died and his best friend was almost killed and Erica is dead. Scott makes his way to Boyd's seat and tries to talk him out of attacking Ethan. Then he points out that he doesn't know what would happen to him if he attacked the Alpha on the bus.

Andrea Argent (teen wolf)Where stories live. Discover now