Chapter 7

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I turn to my friends in a disgusted way. I was so angry that they thought that i was one of the killers. Why would they think that?

"We care because we love you" Lydia says stepping towards me.

"No one loves me, I think sometimes that I should kill my self and be done with life, this is my opportunity" I sniff slightly with sobs coming down my face. I see them look at me with fright. I see Boyd step up closer to me, he walks up and puts his hand on my face.

THIRD POV-------

Jennifer has gotten Derek onto the bed and begins checking his wounds. she looks at them in a hysteria way. She stares at his bare chest with a dirty look.

"It Would be your unbelievable physique if it weren't for the fact hat you're bleeding black blood" she said as she let out a shaky laugh.

Derek looks at her one last time before passing out. Jennifer looks closer and start freaking out.

" Derek wake up, please up wake up, don't be dead on me" she said as she put her head on his chest and listens for a heart beat. She lays there for about 30 seconds then hears a heat beat, She let out a sigh she was holding in.

When Derek wakes up he kept saying that he was better and said that she would stay away because everyone around him gets hurt.

"I've been hurt before....... Derek I like you" she says as she leans into to kiss. They begin to kiss more passionally.

Everyone knows what happen next( gross)

ANDREAS POV................

"Boyd step away, I don't want you to get hurt" my voice cracked as I speaked.

"I won't be hurt" he says and kept waking towards me. "You like the sister I lost, I realized that o have you now"

"Everyone around dies, I can't take more of the pain" he comes gives me a hug, I let him as I cry i his shoulder. A ember came and burned my arm.


"What's goin on, why are we on the roof"

"All the werewolfs have been acting weird trying to kill them self" stiles explained with no emotion in his voice. I look at him and glare.

"well I'm not staying here any longer so who wants to sleep in the bus" i asked. They laughed and raised their hand. We all head to the bus, i opened the door and sat in the back. Isaac stood in front of me and smiled softly.

"Can i sleep here" he asked, i look in his eyes and saw hope and guilt. i nodded and layer back down. he put his arm around my stomach, my shirt shrived up and his fingers hit my skin, i shuttered. I don't know why i feel this way around him, soon i lay my head in his chest and fell asleep.

When i wake up Lydia tells me what she saw as the fuel explodes. Lydia sees a figure, cloaked, with a deformed face, in the flames.

Everyone was still sleeping and Isaac had his arm still around my waist but i never woke him up. Soon I heard the bus door open and Coach Finstock finds Boyd, Isaac, Lydia, Allison, Stiles and Scott sleeping on the bus.

"I don't want to know, i rely don't want to k ow but if you haven't heard,the meet has been CANCELED" He announces as they wake up.

i look up to see Isaac take his arm away, he looks at me and smiles. he looks away and glares, follow his eyes to see Ethan talking to Scott. I over hear Ethan thanks Scott for saving his and Stiles reminds Ethan that it was actually him but i can tell that ethan ignored him. I start to drown out until i hear Ethan say 3 words.

"Derek is Alive" i look at Isaac and smile at him, i hug him and turn back to Scott and Ethan.

He also warns him that the death of Ennis, for which Ethan blames Derek, will result in one of two things. "Derek will be forced to join the Alpha Pack or Kali will hunt him down and kill him" Ethan says as he gets up and walks back here to set with danny.

Lydia starts staring at Coach as he walks down the allies.

"Lydia, wacha doin" I asked. She pointed to Coaches shirt than i notices a purple stain on Finstock's shirt where the coach's whistle rests. She asks to see it and discovers it filled with wolfsbane powder. I soon relies that This means, each time he blew the whistle on the bus, everyone got dosed with wolfsbane which might explain how the Darach caused the hallucinations.

Stiles takes it from her and throws it out the WINDOW and the bus drives away. I laughed as Finstock kept yelling at Stiles.

Thirtd pov----

Chris Argent OPENS the door to room A151. An old man sitting in a wheelchair reaches down with shaking hands to turn the chair to face his visitor.

It's Gerard. Blackblood still comes out from his nose and down his mouth and chin. (Who would of thought it would last this long)

Chris tells the story of Alexander Argent's final trip to the Motel Glen Capri (he was the guy who killed him self in the beginning of the episode). He wants to know the name of the Alpha that bit him.

Gerard, smiling, says "Deucalion." in his little creepy voice.

Andrea Argent (teen wolf)Where stories live. Discover now