Chapter 2

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        Jake sat up and pulled the syringe out of his leg. He feels sick and kind of weak now. "Jake, are you okay?" Logan asked, really worried. All of Team 10 and Manager Jeff came over and surround them. Security guards and a doctor came over. They had ambulances here just in case anything like this happened. "Yeah," Jake said, "I just feel kind of weak and a little sick." "We got the girl and is taking her to the police station to question her," a security guard said. "Thank you," Jeff said. "Dude, what happened?" Anthony asked. "We were talking to a girl and then she injected me with something," Jake said. "It happened so fast," Logan said. Fans are surrounding them now but security guards are keeping them back. "Shut down the event," Jeff said. "No!" Jake quickly said, "I'm fine! Please don't shut it down. I don't want to ruin it." "You're not ruining anything," Erika said, "Jake, we don't know what was in that syringe." "How about I take you to my ambulance and check you there," the doctor offered, "Everybody else will stay here and continue the event." "All right." Jake said. Logan helped him slowly get up and Jake tried to walk, but wobbled a little, feeling dizzy and even more weak all of a sudden. Logan helped him catch his balance and then wrapped an arm around him. He helped him get outside, fans stepping to the side to let them through. "THANK YOU EVERYBODY FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND COOPERATION!" Jeff yelled, "THERE WAS JUST SOME SICKNESS PROBLEMS! JAKE WILL BE OKAY! WE'RE GOING TO CONTINUE THE EVENT FOR NOW!" Logan and the doctor took Jake over to the ambulance. The doctor opened up the back doors and made sure the bed is ready for him. Logan helped Jake lay down and Jake thanked him. "All right, you can wait outside if you want," the doctor told Logan. He nodded his head and stepped outside of the ambulance. He sat down on the ground beside it and let out a sigh, worrying about his little brother. "You have a really nice and caring older brother," the doctor said, "My name is Doctor Matt." "I'm Jake," Jake said as he watched the doctor get some things ready, "I really am fine. I just feel sick and kind of weak. The weakness is going away now though." "We just want to be sure," Doctor Matt said. He took Jake's blood and scanned him. He checked his blood pressure and heart rate. Jake's heart is racing in his chest right now. "Jake, are you nervous at all?" Doctor Matt asked. "Well, kind of," Jake said, "Some random girl did inject something into me and I don't like doctors and needles much." "Well, you are safe with us and right now, everything seems fine besides your heart rate," Doctor Matt said, "Your heart is racing." Jake took deep breaths and calmed down a little. Doctor Matt checked his heart rate again and it slowed down a little, but is still kind of racing. Something beep and Doctor Matt turned around. "Got your test results about your blood back," Doctor Matt said with a smile, but then it disappeared. "What?" Jake asked, getting even more worried. "Uh," Doctor Matt said, worried and confused. "What?!?" Jake asked, his voice rising a little and sitting up a little. Logan got into the ambulance, hearing the commotion. "What's going on?" Logan asked. "This is weird," Doctor Matt said with frown, "I have never seen this before." "What?" Jake asked, getting impatient and extremely worried. "The thing that was injected into you isn't poisonous at all and doesn't look like it'll kill you," Doctor Matt explained. Logan and Jake let out sighs of relief. "But," Doctor Matt said which made Logan and Jake worried again, "I still don't know what it is and judging by some chemicals in it, it can still do something to you." "Like what?" Jake asked. "I don't know," Doctor Matt said, "I never seen this before. I will start researching right away and show it to some other doctors. You can leave, but I will come by your house to check up on you and if anything else happens, tell me right away." Doctor Matt turned around to face them, but froze when he saw Jake. "You look really pale, do you want any medicine?" Doctor Matt asked. Logan walked over to him and frowned. Jake went to sit up completely, but then fell back down, feeling weak again, but worse. His stomach started aching badly and he got super hot. "He-Help!" Jake said, having trouble talking. "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HIM?!?" Logan yelled. "I...I DON'T KNOW!" Doctor Matt yelled. Jake started to shake a lot and his eyes opened wide and he gasped. His head started pounding like someone is banging drums in his head and his heart started racing. "We gotta get him to the hospital," Doctor Matt said, "You can stay back here if you want." "All right," Logan said. Doctor Matt started to grab random tools that Logan didn't know what they were. "We need to calm him down first though," Doctor Matt said. Jake bent over the side of the bed and puked up his breakfast. He started shaking more and his stomach hurt even more. He fell back on to the bed and his head started pounding even more. "HE-HELP!" Jake yelled and gripped his stomach. Doctor Matt pushed Logan back a little and Logan felt his eyes get watery. Doctor Matt tried to calm Jake down by talking calmly, but it didn't work. Jake started to feel like he is shrinking and the world started spinning. His eyes got wide again and he gasped again. He then shut his eyes tightly as he felt himself shrink, the world spinning, and everything hurting really badly, like needles are slowly getting poked into him everywhere and someone is slowly crushing him. Doctor Matt backed away next to Logan as they watched Jake slowly get smaller and smaller. Then everything just stopped like by a push of a button and Jake slowly opened his eyes, but then shut them again when he saw the lights. He rubbed his eyes and then opened them, successful this time. He froze when he saw small hands over his face. He slowly sat up, having his strength back now. He saw Doctor Matt and Logan looking at him in shock. Logan saw three year old Jake looking at them with confused green eyes and he stared in shock. Jake looked down at himself and see that he is swallowed by his clothes which are huge to him now. He looked under his clothes to see that he is naked, has small arms, small hands, small legs, small feet, SMALL EVERYTHING! Jake screamed and Logan ran over right away. He gently grabbed one of Jake's small hands and made Jake look up at him. "It's okay," Logan said calmly, "It's okay." "Wha-What happened?" Jake asked. "It looks like you shrunk down to a younger you," Doctor Matt said. "I think three years old you," Logan said, studying Jake's features. Jake has watery green eyes, his blonde hair sticking up a little messily, but shorter and brighter, and is swallowed by his clothes that are huge to him now. His voice is a little higher and kind of soft too. He remembers some of these features when they were younger. "I...I still have my same mind though," Jake said, confused. "Your body shrunk, but maybe not your mind," Doctor Matt said. "I am craving candy now," Jake said randomly. "Okay, maybe some of your mind changed with it," Doctor Matt said, "I'm gonna go tell the rest of them and probably shut down the event. You can wrap him up in one of the towels if you want." Doctor Matt left, shutting the ambulance's doors behind him. Jake looked up at his big brother with big watery green eyes. "Lo-Logey," Jake said, "I'm scared." "I know," Logan whispered softly, "but you'll be okay, I'm here for you. Everybody else is too." Logan found some towels and grabbed one that felt the softest. He gently picked Jake up out of his clothes and wrapped him up in the towel. He then held Jake on his side and Jake laid his head down in Logan's shoulder. Logan has no idea what he is doing and what to do, but he felt calm about it and not as scared as he thought he would feel. He smiled a little and gently kissed Jake's head. All of a sudden, the ambulance doors flung open which scared Jake and everybody on Team 10 and Jeff is standing there, Erika ahead of them. Jake brought his head up and it was like a light switch just switched in his head. His eyes got wide and really watery. He burst out crying and started squirming in Logan's arms. "oops," Erika said quietly, feeling really bad now. Logan made him stop squirming and Jake cried into Logan's shoulder, scared. It's like Jake knows what he's doing, but can't help it. He knows he is crying a lot and is kind of exaggerating, but he can't help it. It's like baby mode just took over. He slowly stopped crying and it's like the light switch just switched in his head again. Jake slowly brought his head up. "What just happened?" Anthony asked. "I don't even know," Jake said as Logan wiped the rest of the tears off his face. "I think I know," Doctor Matt said, "I think Jake still has his 21 year old self mind in his head, but some of it is three years old too. It's like he switches back and forth." "I got scared because the door just flung open," Jake said, "Maybe I lose control of it when I get scared. It's like I was still there and I knew what I was doing, but I couldn't help it. I just wanted to. I had to." "I'm sorry," Erika said, her eyes getting watery, "We were really worried and really wanted to see you. I shouldn't have flung it opened." "It's okay," Jake said with a small smile, showing some baby teeth, "I kind of lost control of myself." Erika smiled back and couldn't help but say "awww." Everybody else did too and walked up to them. "He is so small and cute," Tessa said. "He is so adorable," Erika said. "Woah," Anthony said, "You still have your hair kind of, but just way shorter and brighter." Jake's face went red a little as everybody talked about how cute and adorable he looks. He hid his face in Logan's neck and everybody laughed. "What do we do?" Shannon asked. "Well, all of the fans left," Jeff said, "I guess we can say that Jake is taking a break from Youtube." "The fans that were here know something happened and it's all over the internet already," Arie said. Cortney showed the videos on Instagram and Twitter. "How do we get him back?" Chad asked. "I'm going to look into this right away," Doctor Matt said, "You all can take him home and let him rest. I'll come by a lot and check on him. Call me if anything happens." "We will," Erika said. They all left the ambulance, Logan still carrying three year old Jake who is wrapped up in a towel still. "We need to get him some new clothes," Logan said, "He can't just stay wrapped up in a towel. We don't know how long this will take." "We can go look for clothes for him," Erika said while pointing at herself and Team 10. "No, you'll get me all girly or really kiddie clothes," Jake mumbled into Logan's neck. Erika let out a sigh, having a feeling Jake would know. Everybody laughed, even Jake did a little. It was a cute little giggle and everybody said "awww" when they heard it. "Fine, we won't get anything to childish," Erika said with an evil smile. "Chad and I will make sure they won't," Anthony said while glaring at her and Tessa who have evil smiles. They both laughed and rolled their eyes. "Okay," Jake said and brought his head up from Logan's neck. "We'll see you later," Team 10 said and started walking towards the Team 10 van while Jeff and Logan walked over to Logan's jeep. "Since we only took one vehicle," Logan said to Jeff, "You can just drop me off at the Team 10 house and then use it to drive to your meeting since it's in like thirty minutes. I'll also just stay at the Team 10 house with everything that is happening, so can you bring me clothes?" "Yeah," Jeff said. Jeff got into the driver's seat and Logan opened the back door to set Jake in the back seats. He set Jake down in the middle back seat so he and Jeff can still see him easily from the two front seats. He then help Jake buckle up since it's harder with smaller hands. The buckle is just across his lap so it's not choking him or anything. Logan got into the passenger seat and Jeff started driving to the Team 10 house. Jake put some of the towel over his hand and wrapped it around him tightly, feeling kind of cold. He didn't say anything though because he all ready feels bad enough for this happening all of a sudden and ruining like everything for everybody. He doesn't want to be too much of a problem for everybody. Logan looked through the review mirror and see Jake shivering a little, so he turned the air a little bit warmer. Jake smiled a little when he felt some warm air hit him. Logan smiled when he saw him smiled. Logan looked out the window and relaxed a little bit. Jake started to relax too, trying not to stress out too much from this. All of a sudden, a wave of tiredness hit Jake after he was relaxed a little. He let out a little yawn and Jeff and Logan looked at each other. "That was so adorable," Jeff whispered a little. Logan just nodded his head and then looked back at Jake, seeing he is fast asleep now. Logan smiled and looked ahead of him. "He's fast asleep," Logan whispered. "Jake seems to be really clingy to you and trusts you the most," Jeff said. "Well, I am his older brother and grew up with them," Logan said. "Yeah, I know," Jeff said, "I just think it's really cute." Logan just smiled and looked out the window. "I'll do anything to protect and help him," Logan said. "I know," Jeff said and the rest of the car ride was silent.  

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