Ava was about to correct him that it was the only way to make Yoongi stop calling her a chicken but decided to remain quiet; swallowing her protest as his eyes pinned her down. 

Taking in a deep breath, Jungkook leaves his hands securely wrapped around both of her arms in case of a second escape attempt before continuing. "Secondly, I wanted to spend this Halloween with you, not by myself."

Ava's heart can't help but wrench in pain.

"Uh, well. I mean. I guess since it's halloween we could—"

"Are you scared?" he mocks her, a cheeky smile spreading across his lips.

"Me? Scared?" Ava scoffs, "Ha, you wish," before slowly sinking further into the couch, regretting what was yet to come.

"Okay," he chuckles. "I'll make sure to pick the scariest movie then," he says, his eyes studying hers intently.

Biting her lip, she stubbornly replies,"y-you don't have to find the scariest movie. Just scary is fine too."

His eyes twinkle in amusement as he cocks up an eyebrow. "Okay. How about..." he pauses as he continues to scroll through the list of movies, the images becoming more terrifying than the ones before. 

Ava starts to look around the room, avoiding the screen.

"Ah! How about this one?" he says excitedly, pointing towards the screen.

"S-slender man?" Ava squints as she tries to read the title without looking at the overall image.

He turns to face her, the skin around his eyes crinkling as a wide bunny smile emerges. "I haven't watched it yet. "

Ava swallows hard before redirecting her gaze towards Jungkook. If that was something he really wanted to watch, she couldn't ruin his halloween just because she was scared. Sucking up her fear, she reluctantly agrees to his proposition.

"Yeaaahhh," Jungkook shouts, jumping up from the couch. "Let's get it, let's get it!" he cheers. "I'll go turn off the lights," he continues as he practically bounces over to the light switch.

"Yeah, let's turn off the lights too. As if the movie isn't scary enough," Ava mutters in annoyance as she quickly gets up to grab a soft, fluffy blanket stored in a small basket near the couch.

Curling up onto the sofa, Ava makes sure the soft blanket covers every bit of her body so that none of her limbs get left out in the open. She didn't want to risk being vulnerable to any sneak attacks during the duration of the film. Jungkook comes back and sits beside her, "You look like a burrito," he comments.

"Yah!" she slaps his chest.

Letting out a lighthearted chuckle, he adds, "a cute burrito," before affectionately placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Whatever," Ava playfully rolls her eyes as a fuzzy, warm sensation crawls onto her cheeks. Snuggling up into his chest, he drapes his arm over her back, his hand resting against her waist.

As soon as the opening starts, a loud clash from the orchestra makes Ava jump. Cursing her jittery state, she prays Jungkook didn't notice. But of course, he always seemed to catch her in her most vulnerable moments.

"The movie hasn't even started yet and you're already jumpy?" he teases, pulling her closer.

"Shut up," Ava huffs, adjusting her head onto his chest as she mentally prepared her palpitating heart for whatever else this movie was about to throw at her.

As the storyline progressed, Ava subtly began to pull the blanket higher and higher up her chest and once they were about twenty minutes into the film the blanket was practically resting underneath her eyes.

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