Start from the beginning

Knowing of her bad relationship with her father, Alex tried to change the subject, so that she wouldn't get upset. "Alright, maybe, he walked in on her doing McDreamy," He looked at George and Meredith, not realizing what he had just called Derek. The other girls did though and couldn't help but find it amusing. "Did I just call that dude McDreamy?"

"Oh, you know you did." Cristina spoke up.

"Awesome," He moved even closer to Izzie, who was scooting even more to the side. Courtney felt like she was going to be pushed of any minute now, so she quickly pushed Izzie a little bit to the other side – more into Alex. "You are ruining my life." Izzie scoffed at that.

Alex got even closer to her and moved in to kiss her, but she immediately got up and made her way over to Meredith and George. Courtney sympathetically patted his shoulder. "At least you tried, my friend. Maybe you should go see Mark Sloan? I bet he would love to give you some tips to be popular with the ladies."

"Oh, you. Shut up." Alex gave her a friendly shove. Luckily the blonde girl didn't fall off of the bench or she actually would have punched her best friend in his face, hard. He would not have got mercy from her. He scooted a little closer to her and lowered his voice. "You okay? I mean with seeing your father and all."

She sighed and continued to look at her other friends in front of her, not answering his question. Izzie was trying to figure out what was going on between Meredith and George, because everyone knew that something was wrong even though they both tried to deny it. With a deep sigh, Courtney turned towards her best friend. "No. I'm not okay and I probably never will be. Can we just not talk about it here? I don't want anyone to see me crying."

"Do you want to talk about it another time with me?"

"Are you trying to ask me out here, Alex. I thought you were with Izzie?" Courtney asked, faking being shocked. She was trying to buy some time to come up with an answer to his question. Did she want to talk about it with her best friend or not?

"I see what you're trying to do here, Grey, and it won't work with me," She scoffed and looked away, avoiding his eyes. "If you want to or not, I'll make you talk about it, because like you said to me once bottling up feelings is not the way to go. Communication is key, my friend."

"Are you using my own words against me?"

"You bet your ass I am. If you don't want to believe me, believe your past self."

"When did you become such a nice person?"

Alex rolled his eyes as he got up. "I have always been a nice person, but I just don't bother showing people that. You might not know this but sometimes I like being the asshole." Courtney gave him a look as she heard someone say that it was time for rounds. The blonde stayed seated for a little while longer, trying to find the motivation to get up from her place. Normally, she liked doing rounds, because it meant that she could start working again. That day was different though. The only thing she wanted to do was going home and crawl into her bed.

"Thanks dad for ruining my life once again." She muttered to herself as she stood up to follow her friends.

  ☤ ☤ ☤  

Courtney was leaning against a door frame, waiting for her sister to come out of the CT room so they could talk. She didn't necessarily want to talk about visiting their father, but she did want to talk about what happened between her and George. From the looks on their faces, Courtney knew that Meredith had been the one to do something and she wanted to know what. She was picking at her nails, hoping that time could pass by faster.

After what seemed like hours, the door finally opened. Alex was the first one to leave the room, wheeling their patient – Shawn. He gave her a smile as he neared her. "I already tried. She didn't give me that much. Good luck, Court."

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