Sam Wilson #2 : Bite Me

Start from the beginning

"Hi !" You said, your heart beating fast in your chest. "Sorry for the shouting. I actually left my window open last night and this bird flew right in while I was sleeping. I had to throw him out..."

Steve furrowed his brows, listening to your story. "That's crazy !" He commented. "Must have been one hell of a wake-up."

You chuckled, trying your best not to sound too awkward. "Yeah, crazy ! Anyway, did you need anything else ?"

"No, nothing. I'll let you get dressed."

You nodded, giving him a tight smile, and started closing the door but he stopped you. "Wait ! Have you seen Sam by any chance ? He wasn't in his room and I wanted to maybe go for a run with him..."

You cleared your throat in an attempt to gain some composure and shook your head. "Nope ! Haven't seen him today, sorry !"

"That's okay. By the way, I wanted to say that I'm very glad that you and Sam have learned to work together for the team. I know you guys don't always get along so it's good that you manage to put your differents aside."

"Hahaaa, thanks !" You chuckled, feeling like the irony of the situation was about to kill you on the spot. "That's totally me, being an adult and not overreacting at small inconveniences..."

He nodded with a warm smile before finally heading out of the hallway, which allowed you to snap the door shut and go for the closet. Sam was still in there, looking more conscious and awake than before, but he was also still in his underwear with the pile of clothes in his hands.

"Why are you not dressed yet ?" You hissed.

"Your closet is the size of a cereal box and you expect me to put on clothes ?" He replied, sounding annoyed, as he stumbled out of it, the space indeed too small to contain his tall frame.

He put on his pants and you turned your eyes away from him, crossing your arms over your chest.

"What now ?" He said. "It's not like there's anything you haven't seen before..."

Your eyes snapped back to him as blood rushed to your face. "Oh don't start !"

"I'm not starting anything. If I remember correctly, you were the one to jump on me that night."

"Certainly not !" You replied, pointing an accusating finger at him. "Don't put this on me. It was a mutual jumping at best ! And we were drunk, so it doesn't count !"

"We were not that drunk." He argued. "Don't try and deny the responsibility !"

"It was one time ! And for the record, I didn't know that you were an ass back then !"

You smirked at him in provocation but on the inside, you were fuming as you remembered how you and him had first met. Sam had joined the team not long before, a few days maybe, and Tony had thrown a party (again). Steve had been the one to introduce the both of you and you couldn't deny that there had been an immediate attraction between you and the man. You'd had a few drinks, danced and talked a little, and then, one thing following another, you had ended up in your bed for the night. It had been completely unprofessional but you hadn't exactly thought it through at the time.

Anyway, you didn't quite know how all this had turned out so bad but even if nothing more had happened between you since then, now, two months later, you could barely stand each other. Words and acid reproaches had been exchanged and at this day, except for the missions, you couldn't even have a normal conversation without having this tension between you.

"Oh really ?" Sam retorted in defiance. "Then I'm guessing you won't like it if I walk out of your room shirtless ? We'll see if Steve is still around..."

"Don't you dare !" You growled.

He turned away and started walking towards the door menacingly. No, no, no, no, no ! If someone saw him, you would never hear the end of it !

You searched around you for something to help and grabbed a pair socks rolled up in a ball that was on the desk. You threw it with all of your strength, hitting the back of his head successfully. He twirled around in an instant, his eyes wide with indignation.

"Did you just throw socks at me ?" He stalked towards you, his shirt still hanging loosely in his hand.

"What if I did ?" You crossed your arms and planted yourself firmly in front of him.

"You see, that's why this partnership doesn't work one bit ! You're a psycho !"

"Well, someone has to stop you from doing stupid things !" You exclaimed. "Unless you want everyone to know how badly you want me !"

You gave him a fake-sweet smile, batting your eyelashes at him. He took a step forward with his eyebrows raised, sign that this conversation was about to get worse. "Oh, you think that's how it is ?"

"You're the one who came into my room last night. I'm just pointing out the signs..." You taunted.

"And you're the one who let me sleep in here." He countered, taking another step closer.

You were now only a few inches away from each other, and as his dark-chocolate eyes bore into yours, you found it more and more difficult to slow down your frantic heartbeat. And let's just say that his lack of a shirt and the heat radiating from his body didn't help.

"I. Didn't. Wake. Up." You grumbled through gritted teeth.

"How convenient. And any particular reason you've been avoiding looking at my chest for the past five minutes ?" He teased, mimicking your posture by crossing his arms.

You felt your face grow hot at his words and you knew he could see you clenching your jaw in anger. "You're so full of yourself !" You hissed, narrowing your eyes. "Like I want to have sex with you !"

"Well, just FYI, I don't wanna have sex with you either !" He shot back.

"Oh yeah ?"

"Yeah !"

"Fine !"


You stared down at each other in silence for what felt like an eternity, neither of you wanting to be the one to stand down first. Your heart was beating so fast that you were scared he might hear it, but he was probably too busy maintaining that hard, unreadable look on his face to notice anyway. You raised an eyebrow ironically.

"What ?" He snapped, taken aback for a second.

"Why are you still here exactly ?"

He scoffed slightly, shifting his weight from one feet to the other, before taking a step back. Then, he put his T-shirt back on with angry movements. He walked to the door and cracked it open to peak into the hallway.

"By the way," you said. "Steve wanted to go for a run, so if you're in the mood for an utter humiliation..."

"Bite me !"

Alright, hope you liked it ! I just wanted to write another Sam Wilson one-shot because there are not many I think, so here it is ! Tell me what you think !

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