Chapter 1: 60 Days Ago

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It's a day that no one, I think, could ever forget. As a teenage girl of 18, you gotta have a boyfriend or your gals will bully you to death.

Marc and I knew each other since grade school but we've had each other for a week as a couple, so, let's celebrate!

He invited me for a sleep over because his mom is gonna be out of town and I said yes.

I boasted to my friends about what's about to happen tonight. And all they just said was "don't forget to shave your bum". Bitches.

So, I did.

We've walked around his house.

Sat by the pool and had him kissed me.

We had music, we danced and we just enjoyed each other's company.

I pushed him to the pool and I took my shirt off and jumped in.

It was by that time begun this strange feeling that we are not alone or that someone is watching over us.

I was kissing him on the pool and his hands are on my waist, I had to pull off and watch at my back.

It was dark on the other side of the pool.

"Marc, I think somebody's out there watching" I told him.

"Yes, there is. There's a camera over there and there and there" he said pointing on all sides.

He pulled me out of the pool and said "let's get somewhere where there's no one watching"

He took me into his room with all our wet selves.

We showered together.

And that's what makes it unforgettable. It's our first night and it's my first time.

It all happened so slow and oh so romantic.

But I still can't help but glance at the window while he is doing his thing.

It was slightly dark, I can see the dark shadow of his face, I can see the dark corners of his room and the curtains swinging through the air from outside.

I can also hear us bumping back and forth.

So, I closed my eyes and make funny noises and made him feel like I enjoyed everything too.

I didn't know that I fell asleep.

But I woke up alone, in this room with my naked self. I felt wet and gooey. So, I decided to get up and get washed. But I had a knife on my right hand with blood on it. And what feels gooey is the blood all over me.

My heart was beating so fast, I can't  breathe and my feet and knees are cold and shaking.

As I cover myself with the bloody sheets, I found Marc on the floor lying on his back beside the bed on his bloody clothes and stab wounds on his back.

He is dead!

I cried "What have I done?!"

But all so suddenly.

I felt a slap!

Then I woke up, it was a nightmare. A really bad nightmare.

"I'm sorry babe, I had to slap you because you're crying and shaking" he explained.

I hugged him and he said "must've been a really bad dream"

"So what was your nightmare all about? A snake? A robber? A lesbian trying to kiss you?" He asked and chuckled.

"Don't wanna talk about it right now babe" I said.

He got up and wore his pants and told me to get clothes on for a snack.

It's 3:30am. Very early for a munch.

Then I put on his shirt and washed  first before I went downstairs.

"Get it while it's hot!" He said while I was walking down the stairs.

He had chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa on the counter.

"Wait, I got a much better idea" he said.

He brought the cookies and cocoa on the living room and prepared a movie.

I stopped by the stair foot and just watched him busy himself.

"Look, I know cookies and cocoa don't match and so is the movie, but it's fun" then he came and carried me into the couch.

After that night, I had nightmares every night.

Sometimes I chose not to sleep at night because I'm afraid that I'll be seeing nightmares again.

Other nights, I spend with Marc and it feels much better with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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