6 - Pathetic excuse for a witch

Start from the beginning

Cho leaves after a while to go to her secret meeting and I walk around the village for a bit. It really is beautiful. It's September, so it's still warm and the weather is beautiful. I get a Butterbeer flavoured ice cream and walk around in peace. Everyone seems so... happy and carefree. No Umbridge for the day, no OWL's to worry about.

That is until I turn a corner and someone does the exact same, making me collide with this person and I fall to the ground.

"What the hell?!" I hear and look up. Malfoy and the girl, Pansy apparently, are staring at me in disgust. Probably on a date.

My icecream collided with his - unfortunately - white shirt and left a huge stain. I stand up quickly.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going, I'll get you a new shirt, I promise", I rant. He seems more angry than ever.

"I don't need anything from you, filthy half-blood", he says and gets out a handkerchief. This made me kind of angry.

"It's as much your fault as it is mine, you should've watched out too", I say and this pushed him over the edge. He was furious.

"How dare you, pathetic excuse for a witch! No wonder your mom died. I wouldn't want to have you as a daughter either", he spits.

My throat tightens and I can feel the blood leaving my face. I can't possibly bring out any words and I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. Pansy starts laughing hysterically, Malfoy just looks at me. I'm frozen in my place, his words ringing in my ears. No wonder your mom died. I wouldn't want to have you as a daughter either.

Malfoy obviously sees that he has gone too far. Way too far. His posture relaxes and he reaches out.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have said that", he says and as soon as his fingertips touch my shoulders, I turn around and run away, tears blurring my vision as I push everyone out of my way. I have to get out of here.

This wasn't really how I wanted today to go. I was planning on getting Cho a little something since she opened up to me. I was planning on surprising Luna with the sweets when I got back and maybe have a little girls night later. I'm becoming quite fond of these two females and I hope they feel the same way.

But that didn't happen. Instead I'm sitting in the Astronomy tower, watching as the sun sets over the landscape. The tears have dried up and left me feeling empty. It's been one and a half years since she died. Everything has changed since then. I used to be such a cheerful child, very extroverted. Now I don't speak much. But it's not me who has changed the most. My dad has. He suffered terribly because of her death. He gave up on life. I barely talk to him. I will sent him a letter one day, but I'm confident that I won't get a response. Even though my mum was a muggle, we look a lot alike. I remind him of her. Everything does really. That's why we moved here. She was American, my dad's British. America was mum and that's why dad couldn't handle it any longer. I wonder if he'll still be there when I return at the end of June.

"Hey", I hear and look up. Malfoy is standing a couple feet away from me. He couldn't have followed me, I've been sitting here for over two hours.

"How did you find me?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I didn't. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find you. Figured you'd be in your dorm, so I came here. I come here often when I need to think", he says. What could he possibly have to think about?

"Can I sit?" he asks and comes closer. "no", I say and he chuckles. He grabs the railing and sits down anyway.

"I really am sorry. I've been on the edge all day and I snapped. It was out before I realised it", he says. I can never figure out whether this guy is sincere or not.

"That was low, even for an arrogant twat like me", he says, referring to our little fight on our first day and I can't help but chuckle. He smiles gently.

"I'm sorry I ruined your date", I say and he scoffs.

"Please, I'd never in a million years go on a date with Pansy, although she'd love nothing more", he says and rolls his eyes.

"I thought you were dating"

"Dating? She's bloody annoying. If anything, you saved me today", he mumbles and I chuckle.

It stays silent for a while. Not really an uncomfortable one, but definitely not comfortable either.

"You want to talk about it, now we're at it?" he asks after a while.

"No. You're still an annoying git", I say with a hint of a smile.

"And you're still a pathetic half-blood", he says, smiling also.

"Good", I say and stand up. "I hope you stumble over the railing", I say.

"I hope you fall down the stairs and break your neck", he responds.

I walk out and close the door. Stupid Malfoy, kind of.

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