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His silvery hair shimmered in the moonlight and his gaze was cold and stone frozen. In his left arm a wooden bow that bore the name 'Justice' I felt his eyes pierce my skin to see to my soul. His slouch was lifted like he had strings pulling him up. 

"Who are you?" He demanded, and I felt a shiver rise through my spine. 

"My...my name is Rosalie." I stuttered. 

I could barely see it, but the color of his eyes shifted into a darker hue. His brow twitched upward. "Why are you here exactly?" 

"I...I need to go to the city-" Before I could say more, the boy yanked my wrist over to him, I couldn't see how, he was at least four feet away from me and he hadn't walked over to me from what I could see. 

"No problem." He smiled for once, a light, sly, cunning line curved upward on his face. He whistled and I could see a black wolf emerge from the streaming shadows of trees. 

Dawn had snuck up on us and was peeking through the trees. I could see him better, his hair was still silvery but his eyes had remained that darker shade of green. The wolf barked at me and I jumped back. "Don't worry, she's friendly...at least, we think so. Her name is Quia. She helps me hunt. I'm Asher, by the way." 

That threatening look that came from him seemed to shrink, and I smiled, tucking the rose into my pocket. 

Wondering when it was it would continue talking to me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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