Remember Me Chapter 1

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Remember Me Chapter 1

(not edited)

After the shock wore off I came to my senses and I was furious! How could they lie to me? He's my mate. I was their Luna for fùcks sake. After sitting in my car for a while I decided to head to the pack house, somewhere I haven’t been in three months. Nothing has changed. Kids still played at the parks, pack members still walked around smiling, it's as if nothing happened.

When I pulled up people stared with wide eyes. I didn't have time to talk to anyone, I was on a mission. I walked straight to the Alphas office knowing someone was in there. There was always someone in there working.

I opened and slammed the door shut with so much force that they all jumped. They must have saw how mad I was because they stood up looking at each other, I’m guessing they were having a conversation. Times like this I really wished that I was a werewolf.


“Lena honey calm down.” Adrianos  mother said while reaching for my hand.



“FÚCK YOU ALPHA. All of you lied to me. I can’t believe this, he was alive the whole time and no one bothered to tell or look for me. I bumped into him on the street. He didn't even know who I was.”

I was breathing hard and crying, I felt like I was going to faint. I had this annoying habit of silently crying whenever I got too pissed off, and let me tell you honey I'm way past pissed.

“Lena are you OK?” My ex best friend asked. He’s no friend of mine, not after what they did. I was hot, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I took my coat off and they all gasped, probably surprised that I was pregnant and didn’t tell them. Well now they know how it feels to be kept in the dark about something.

“OMG Lena! You're pregnant! Sit, you look like you are about to faint.” He tried to help me sit down but I didn’t want anyone to touch me. I was hurt that they would do this to me. I slapped his hand away and leaned on the wall for support.

“Don’t you touch me, you are just as worse as they are.”

“You’re the whore who got pregnant after her mate died.”

That’s it! All of my restraint went out the window. I slapped his sister so hard her face went to the side. They all knew my temper and they knew that I couldn't control it, I was a natural hot head.

His sister and I never really got along. She hated the fact that her brother was mated to a woman of color, as she put it. It didn't help that I was a human. I didn't care what her or anyone else thought, we were mates and we were in love. Love has no color, you can't help who you fall in love with.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” His dad yelled.

“If you idiots add up the months you would know that I’m pregnant by my “DEAD” mate. I was going to tell him the day I thought he died.” The door opened and his grandma walked in, I've always loved her. She's just like me. She speaks her mind and doesn't take shît from anyone.

“Oh dear come here.” I broke down, I couldn’t take it anymore. All of the emotions I had bottled up for months came out.

“Oh Nana I missed you. I thought he died. I couldn’t live here with the memories, I’m sorry I ran.” I sobbed on her shoulder.

“It's OK honey, no one blames you. I told them to tell you but no one listens to me.” She glared at everyone.

“He didn’t remember me. He just walked away like I was nobody. What if he never remembers me? What am I going to tell my son?”

“What the hell are you doing here? Did you follow me?” I looked up to see Adriano with his girlfriend on his arm.

“I think she’s a stalker” She said while holding his arm.

“Adriano!” Nana glared.

“It's OK. I have to go anyway, I have to work at five.” I still wanted to cry but I wouldn’t cry in front of him. He's turned into a complete jerk.

“You don’t have to go Lena you can stay for dinner.” His mother offered. I can tell she was sorry but they still needed to explain to me why they lied. I still probably won't forgive them but I want to know why they did it.

“Son give us a moment alone with Lena.” Adriano glared at me.

“Who is she? Why the hell do I have to leave? Anything you say to her you can say to me, I’ll be Alpha in a couple of months once me and Keri mate.”

I couldn’t believe it! He was going to mate with her and they was going to let him. I need to get out of here before I kill someone. I jumped up and ran. I ran, well wobbled from them calling my name and the stares from pack members. I had to get out of there, I ran away from my mate.

I sat in the car crying. I knew I couldn’t drive in this state. I had to calm down for the sake of my son. How could he act like that? He used to be the sweetest person until you made him mad which was almost never. I saw Jason running to the car. I didn’t want to talk to him so ignored him when he knocked on the window.

“Lena please come back inside you can’t drive like that and we still need to explain.” I looked at him like he was crazy. I’m not going back in there with that jerk. I rolled the window down so I could yell at him.

“I’m not going back in there he's a complete jerk!”

“Please come inside, I will keep him away from you I promise.”

I sighed. I really did want to know why they lied, he helped me out of the car. I felt like a whale I guess werewolf babies were huge, I was only five months but felt like 9 months. We walked into the Alphas office. I sat down ready to hear whatever dumb excuse they were about to say.

“Lena I’m sorry we lied to you but it was for a good reason, the doctor told us not to push him. He lost his memory after the rogue attack and we knew that you would keep trying to make him remember you so we lied.” His mother explained.

I started to laugh like a maniac. I couldn’t believe that excuse. Yea it was a good reason because it was for his health but come on, to tell me that he was dead was unforgivable. They don't know how it feels to lose a mate. They don't know how it feels to be depressed and not wanting to get out of the bed. They weren't there when I cried myself to sleep for weeks. How it feels to go to the doctor and not have the father of your child there to see the sex of the baby. I was alone and went through everything by myself.

“You took away the choice for me. I love that man he’s my mate. I would do anything for him! I would have never pushed him, his health is very important to me. Do you know how I felt when you said he died? I wanted to die but I knew I had to live for my baby, I went through half of this pregnancy alone. Half of the time I didn’t even want to get out of the bed because everything reminded me of him!” I was crying and didn’t even know it. I thought of all the nights I was sick and could barely get out of bed because of the nausea, all of the nights I wanted him to hold me. I missed him so much, but there was something that didn’t make sense.

“How did I feel him die if he wasn’t really dead?” His father answered for me.

“He did in fact die for a few seconds. When his heart stopped your connection broke.” This was all too much for me to handle. I felt physically and emotionally drained. I just wanted to eat ice cream and sleep. I yawned the days event took a toll on me.

“Come on Lena you look tired, I’m not going to let you drive.” I was too tired to argue.

“Ok I’ll stay but keep them away from me I won’t be responsible for my actions.” He laughed and carried me to his room. It still amazes how strong werewolves are. I know I'm big and he didn't break a sweat.

“You can sleep in here with me, call me if you need anything. And Lena, please promise me that you won’t run away again I was so worried.” I felt bad, Jason is a great guy he loves me and treats me like a sister.

“Alright Jace I won’t run again I promise, now get out so I can sleep.” I took a nap, when I woke up Adriano was sitting in the corner looking at me like some creepy stalker. What the hell does he want?

💕💋 Thanks for reading 💋💕

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