24) Winter Wonderland

Start from the beginning

First things first: Target— Find a bottle that you want to hit.

Second: Practice— Throw a couple of rings to get a feel on the throw.

Third: Accuracy— The angle and where you throw, determines your victory.

Fourth: Fixed— The throw of victorious.

Dahyun followed those rules thoroughly and as the last step came she took a deep breath before throwing the ring on top of the bottle as it settled.

"We have a winner!"
"How did you—?" Momo asked in amazement.
"Something that my parents taught me."
Without hesitation, Dahyun picked a big plushy for Momo.
It was a polar bear.

Tzuyu and Sana were playing at the tin can alley, they gained 3 balls. Sana threw the first ball and knocked down 3 cans at the top and other two balls barely missed, though it was a good try.

"Bad luck." The stands person said.
"Again." Tzuyu demanded.
The guy chuckled and handed her the 3 soft balls.
"Just one."
Sana was taken aback.
"Is she serious?" She asked Nayeon.
"She's serious when it comes to games."

Tzuyu took a step back and with full force threw the it at the bottom middle can. After that it fell.

"Well then..." He was lost for words.
Tzuyu gestured Sana to pick a prize, it was another plushy that was a dog.
"Oh my gosh..." Nayeon put her hand to her head.

The group met up again in the middle where the carousel was.
Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Tzuyu has something in store for the other three since it was their last day in London, they wanted to spend time with them.

"What's next?" Mina asked.
"I'll show you." Chaeyoung gestured to Mina.
"We're separating again?" Sana spoke.
"We just want to spend time with you guys individually." Tzuyu grabbed her hand and walked the opposite way.
Dahyun did the same to Momo without hesitation.

"The struggles of working with the Maknaes." Jihyo shook her head as she carried the tiger plushy beside her.
"When we get back to Seoul, I'm going to take a long bath." Nayeon struggled to hold the plushy.
"Can't it end!?" Jeongyeon sighed.
Mina and Chaeyoung stood in line with Jihyo behind them, it was their turn to go inside to see the ice sculptures.
As they stepped inside, it was magnificent. Piles of snow were on the floor, ice sculptures carefully made were displayed on the sides with signs say: Do not touch.

It was cold inside, some had hand warmers and others where in big puffy coats and thick gloves. On the other hand, Mina was shivering as she clasped her hands together.
Chaeyoung noticed she was uncomfortable, she moved in closer and wrapped her right arm around her waist.
"Thanks." Mina said.
Chaeyoung kept silent as she smiled.

Jihyo noticed something as she walked behind them, on the other side of the room was a familiar person.
"Jungkook?" She spoke as he turned around.
"Jihyo?" His smile grew.
Chaeyoung and Mina also saw another person, Jimin.
"Jimin!" Mina exclaimed.
"Nice to see you two again."

Jungkook took Jihyo away from them for a moment.
"What's happening?" She asked.
"About yesterday..." He continued, "Namjoon is upset."
Jihyo scoffed, "I assume it's because of what I said to him, that prick."
"No, it's about you."
"Where is your brother?" Mina asked.
"He was sulking in his office, holding this box thing in his hand." Jimin replied as he chuckled.
"Do you know what happened?" Chaeyoung asked as she looked at Jihyo with Jungkook. She looked sad.
"No idea, maybe because he had his daily walk in the park. He hates the outside."
The two laughed except for Chaeyoung who was staring at Jihyo, somehow she felt bad in a way for her.

"Anyways, we're leaving tomorrow." Jimin announced.
"Really?" Mina's voice raised.
"I know, but at least we'll see each other in Seoul."
"Of course we will, right Chae?" Mina nudged her.
"Uh... yeah."
Dahyun took Momo to the circus, she told her to seat a seat near the front while she stayed in line for the snacks.
Jeongyeon and Momo skipped the line, as they walked into the circus hundreds of people were already sitting. Chatters could be heard from a mile away, children were dancing around the centre while their parents laughed.
It was busy, the amount of people, how would their be any seats?

"Ms Hirai." Jeongyeon called her as she gestured her seat.
It was right at the front, perfectly 3 seats.
"Reserved? Did Dahyun do this?" Momo asked.
"She wanted the best seating for you both."
"That's... uh... sweet." She blushed.

"You're quite lucky." Jeongyeon added.
"I've never seen her this way and it's kind of adorable seeing her affection to you."
Momo rethought about what she said, maybe she is happy with this life.
She looked back and saw Dahyun with a tub of popcorn, they waved to signal that they were here.

"I'm back." Dahyun announced.
"I'm glad." Momo laid her head onto her shoulder as they both held hand.
Inside the ice rink there wasn't that a lot of people, that's a good thing since Tzuyu and Sana wouldn't be bumping into anyone.
"I can't ice skate." Sana spoke.
"It's okay, just hold onto me the whole time." Tzuyu was the first one to get on the ice as she waited for her to come on.

Nayeon walked over to help Sana with her ice skates.
"Just have fun." She smiled.
She helped her up to get onto the ice, Sana kept holding onto the side trying to keep herself upright the whole time.
Suddenly she slipped and fell backwards, but of course Tzuyu came in a saved her. She caught her waist and pulled her up.

"Maybe I should of held you." Tzuyu wrapped her arm around her neck whilst Sana gripped her closer.
"Since when do you know how to skate?" Sana asked.
"My parents and I came here before, I kept slipping then I just got the hang of it."
"Well I'm too clumsy to skate." She laughed.
Tzuyu smirked and let go of her, causing the girl to almost fall forwards.

"Tzuyu!" She called her.
"What, I'm teaching you how to skate." The tall girl skated in front of her as she tried to catch up.
Sana reached for Tzuyu, keeping herself balanced and trying to move forward to catch her.
After all of that, she finally caught up with her, she wrapped her arms around her waist whilst crouching down.

"Don't do that ever again!"
"At least you didn't need me." Tzuyu's smart remarks caused Sana to pout.
All of them met outside the amusement park.
"That was fun and it's already the evening." Dahyun said.
"Remember there are fireworks." Jeongyeon mentioned.
"There are?" Sana asked in shock.
"Yeah, we keep surprising you guys." Tzuyu winked at her.

They went to the other side of Hyde Park which wasn't far, though the park was one of the famous parks in London.
"This is where we wait."
Chaeyoung laid down on the grass and stared up at the night sky.
"Already a good view." She sighed.
"The fireworks haven't even started yet." Mina laid down with her.
"I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about you."
Mina quickly pushed her, embarrassed by the thought.

Tzuyu sat down first.
"Aren't you going to sit?" She asked Sana.
"It's too cold." Sana sulked.
Tzuyu rolled her eyes and pulled her down, causing her to fall right into her lap.
"Looks like you keep falling for me." She smirked.
Sana pouted, "This one doesn't count, it was your own doing."

"You know you don't have to hold me the whole time." Momo spoke.
Dahyun looked down, ever since they came from Winter Wonderland, she never let go of her hand.
"It's the only thing that's keeping me warm." She replied.
"Really? Then are your lips cold?" Momo smirked as she asked.
"Smooth tactic, I appreciate it."
Their lips touched as they cuddled together.

"Eww!" Jeongyeon rebuked.
"It's young love, what wrong with that?" Nayeon asked.
"There's nothing wrong with that, it just seeing my family kissing."
"What happens when Dahyun sees you two kissing?" Jihyo joked.
Both of them jumped back.
"We're not going out! Besides I wanted to go on a date with her first."

"You wanted to go on a date?" Jeongyeon heard her say.
Nayeon mistakenly blurted it out.
"I said to Jihyo that I would consider us to be a... 'thing', but with all being professional, maybe a date would clarify it."
Jeongyeon nodded to her explaintion, the three stood there awkwardly and one laughing hysterically in the inside.

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