[18 ¤ get...rejected?]

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"YOU GOT THIS." Mina whispered to herself. She was giving herself a last minute pep talk, right before she walked out and crushed someone's heart.

She pulled a hand through her newly dyed hair anxiously and to distract herself, she let the strands fall slowly back into place. Looking at them closely, Mina decided she had made the right choice.

Mina had gotten tired of pinning her hair back everytime she went out as Kitsune and the blue hair had worn out its welcome. So, she had bought a box of black dye and changed her hair back to its original black glory. She didn't regret it.

She had yet to tell Ko but that was for a whole other time. Maybe never.

Mina was pulled out of her ramblings as the intercom came on and the awkward voice of their principal, Mr. Morita came on. As if her day could get any worse.

"Attention students, I would just like to remind you about the upcoming Spring Fever Dance this coming week. The theme is spring, people. A special booth will be set up in the cafeteria, where you can purchase tickets, $8 for a single, $7 for a couple. That's all folks. Have a nice rest of the day."

A dance. How amazing.

"God, I wish I stayed home." Mina groaned. Staying home would have beat the upcoming events of today.

Simply explained, she was breaking up with Alex.

There was nothing wrong with Alex, and Mina really did like her but their relationship didn't have any purpose. There was no passion, no real drive behind it other than the fact that both girls were mutually attracted to one another.

At least, on Mina's half.

She just didn't feel that spark with Alex, didn't feel that crazy about her and her heart didn't race or burst out of her chest the same way it did when Peter was around.

Mina liked Peter. She was past denying it, it was too obvious now. Too strong as well.

And so Mina, in good conscience, could no longer lead Alex on and keep pretending that the two girls would last long. It was unfair to Alex and so, Mina had to break up with her.

She had no idea how to, though.

It wasn't like Mina was an experienced heartbreaker, who crushed people's spirits daily, just for fun. Hell, she'd just recently gone on her first date only a month ago.

Mina had decided to break the news to Alex at lunch, on the off chance that Alex was pretty devastated and couldn't concentrate on her schoolwork.

And also to give Mina more time to think of what she was gonna say.

Unfortunately, by the end of third period and after Alex had met Mina where the Miyazaki girl had asked, she still had no clue what to say. It was stressful, to say the least.

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