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(??? POV):

"Following the events of the international terrorist attack from the White Masks, all countries that had their nuclear programs hacked declared a cease fire."

"The situation reveals that Alistair Garrison, the leader of the White Masks and infiltrator among many military systems, was responsible for this near catastrophe. He has been planning a world wide armageddon due to a personal vendetta against established military systems."

"Alistair's body was recovered in the Atlantic with a single gunshot wound to the dead. Confirmed dead from the gunshot wound, drowning, and loss of blood. After the confirmation, any nearby military personal were sent in to clear out any remaining hostile threat at the White Mask base."

"With the White Mask disbanded, Rainbow was disbanded as well. Due to the fact that their failure to investigate and eliminate their primary task. However, a new Rainbow system has been established under the management of a man named: Harry."

"I hear many former Rainbow operators are returning to their prior establishments, while some are joining Rainbow once again, or decided to move on to other parts."

"I hear Operator Zofia has decided to return to GROM. She wanted to remain closer to her family, while still performing her duties."

"Operator Ela and Operator Valkyrie are transferring to the new Rainbow organization. They were very adamant on remaining as a fighting duo."

Ela and Valkyrie stood before Hereford Base, the new Rainbow base location. The two had a bag in opposite hands. While the other were held together.

"Operators: Twitch, Vigil, Dokkaebi, and Echo have also chosen to remain in Rainbow. Although paralyzed for the moment, Dokkaebi and Echo are contributing greatly in the tech department."

A Korean female and Japanese male, both on wheelchairs, were slapping at each other in their own fits of rage over an arguement about superior gaming platforms. Meanwhile, Vigil and Twitch just sighed tiredly at their respective partner's spat.

"Operators Mira, Thatcher, Capitao, and Mute have been transported home to their final resting place. Their national government have prepared memorials to be built for their heroism and bravery."

"I also heard former Operators Ying and Rogue have retired. They are currently spending some time together out in Hawaii after the big proposal."

"Former Operators Hibana and Thermite have been medically discharged and will participate in the upcoming disabled Olympics."

"Operator Caveira has decided to retire and pursue a missionary life."

Caveira passed out bowls of soup and water to the hundreds in line. They were impoverished and in despair, but the Brazilian had a warm smile. She continued to help out the neglected people with a locket around her neck. Inside: a picture of her and a certain British male.

"Operators Frost and Kapkan remained with Rainbow. As for the other JTF2 operator, I'm unsure of what has become of him."

Buck sat in a worn sofa chair. Around his feet are cans of beer and bowls of various junk food. In front of the male was the television playing the current hockey game. Suddenly, the Canadian jumped for joy as his team of choice won their championship.

"Operators Finka and Tachanka have returned back to Russia to their Spetznaz positions. As for the other Russians. Glaz has retired to become an internationally renowned painter and artist. For Fuze, I heard he now runs a children's orphanage and therapy center."

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