Chapter 25: Puppet Master Pt. 1

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A/n: This will explain everything leading up to the betrayal. Thanks for waiting, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

(Third Person POV):

Sitting in a living room of a suburban house sat a boy in front of a TV. He had messy brown hair, light skin, and bright brown eyes. A large smile spread across his face when something appeared on the screen.

Boy:"YES! The good guys win again!" He cheered with joy and held a toy soldier in the air. Suddenly, a door to the back of the house opened, and someone spoke.

???:"Alistair! Come help me with the groceries!" A male voice called out. The set down his toys and stood up.

Alistair:"Yes, grandpa!" He acknowledged and ran over to help his elder.

Grandpa:"Thanks son, are you watching those old war films again?" He questioned, as he looked up at the TV. Alistair nodded.

Alistair:"Uh huh. It's my favorite!" He chanted innocently. The grandfather cracked a small smile and ruffled the boy's hair.

Grandpa:"Maybe you can grow up and become heroes like those guys someday." He encouraged, which made Alistair beam with joy.

Alistair:"You mean it?" He asked with hope. The grandfather glanced over at a shelf with his old war medals and photos of him fighting in prior conflicts.

Grandpa:"Of course. Just remember to fight for what is right." He reminded the young boy. Alistair suddenly stood straight and saluted.

Alistair:"Yes sir!" He attempted his deepest voice, which earned a chuckle from the elder man.

Grandpa:"First we need to fix that salute of yours, otherwise you'll never make it through boot camp." He said, as he walked past the puzzled boy.

Alistair:"Why do I need to go to a camp for boots?"


It was a rainy day. The grass across the plot of land was soaked wet. Splashes could be heard from a pair of footsteps trekking across the land. It belonged to a single male dressed up in a full military uniform. He did not have an umbrella, but in his hand was an old military medal.

Alistair:"So I ship out tomorrow gramps." He murmured under the loud rain. The soldier stared down at the single tombstone before him. It displayed the name of his grandfather and a few final phrases. The soldier leaned down and set his grandfather's prized medal on top of his final resting place.

Alistair:"I made it. I made it into the SEALs. Like the heroes on the movie we would always watch." He conversed, half expecting a reply from his loved one. Just anything.

Alistair:"I'll come back for this, I promise." He whispered, as a single tear mixed in with the rain.  Alistair then began walking away, but stopped to stare at the sky.

Alistair:'Love you grandpa, I'll miss you." He silently thought before heading off.


Gunfire and explosions filled the air. Cries of children missing their mothers and screams of those who were burning alive added to the mix. Among all the mayhem was the cause of the chaos. It was the local insurgents threatening to take over a country by military force against a single team of American special forces. The reason these two different groups were here: Oil.

Alistair:"Why did you call an airstrike on a heavy civilian occupied location?!" He screamed at his team leader. The other SEAL shoved him away.

Team Leader:"I had no choice! We were going to get overrun! It's our boys or them!" He attempted to justify, but Alistair wasn't having any of it. He decked the male across the face, effectively knocking him to the ground.

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