Chapter 2

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The fall was very great that  her feet almost touching the sea floor. Y/N tries to swim to resurface out of the water when her leg got caught.

She looked down her leg to see it was entangled with a somewhat abandoned fisherman's net. She tried to pried her leg out of the net but nothing happened. Her eyes wander off to find anything useful to help her.

(Y/N's POV)

As my eyes wander off suddenly i heard a water splash, i looked up to see a figure swimming down towards me. The said figure pulled out something out from his boot. When I finally realized it was a knife, he already cut the net and set my feet free. Then he side-hugged my shoulder as we swam up to the surface.

We then swam to the shore and coughed out water. When suddenly the stranger yells at me.

"What do you think you're doing? you could 've get yourself killed." I looked at him weirdly. He looks angry and worried.

"Jeez.I barely survive back there." I muttered as I look elsewhere.

"Come on. Father was worried." He says putting his arms around my shoulder.

I stopped at my track upon hearing that." Father? Excuse me but do we know each other?" I ask him and he was taken aback when I said that.

He nudged my shoulder." Come on Y/N. Stop playing around." He says and we start to walk.

"How do you know my name?" I ask him.

"I'm your brother, I should know your name. Ok stop no fooling around. I m still mad for your action just now okay." He says and I just notice his clothing.

"Okay firstly I never had a brother. And what the heck am I wearing?" I spat looking down at what I'm wearing. I didn't remember wearing a royal clothes cosplay.

 I didn't remember wearing a royal clothes cosplay

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"Y/N.....For real, are you perhaps?" He stares at me

"What?" I says as I wait for him to continue

"Do you really can't remember everything?"


Later I find myself seating behind him as we rode which I believe his horse. Everything doesn't make sense to me. Just now I was celebrating my birthday and just fall of cliffs. He saves me and he said he's my brother and weirdly I'm wearing this old European dress.

"What year is it?" I ask him in curiosity.

"****." What? his words is blurring as I heard him


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