[17 ¤ welcome to the party!]

Start from the beginning

Mina perched herself on the edge of a high rise building, sitting down on the rough, bumpy cement and let her mind run blank. Her eyes scanned the city below, vigilantly looking out for anything out of the ordinary or anything that looked troubling.

But as the sun went down, the street emptied out until there were only a few pedestrians left out. The evening chill came out and Mina was thankful for her new thermal suit, as the wind whipped around her uncovered bangs.

It was peaceful, sitting there and not doing much. Her head felt clear somewhat, now rid of the hurt feelings between her and Peter and now not worrying about her and Alex.

But Alex...

There seemed to be trouble in paradise. It was both unsettling and disappointing, at least for Mina.

It wasn't like she hated, or even disliked Alex, far from that, but there was something wrong in their relationship. There was something missing, something that was a key detail to both the girl's happiness and something that Alex was unable to provide for Mina.

It was on the tip of her tongue but the blue haired girl just couldn't place it. It was annoying, being so close to the answer but still drawing up blanks.

And then, for the second time within that hour of the day, Mina was ripped back to reality as she heard a shrill scream from below her.

She quickly turned her head to the sound, focusing on the street just underneath her and found the source of the scream. A woman was being dragged into the alley right beside her.

Mina's narrowed eyes followed the struggling frame until it had disappeared from eyesight and then she quickly shot up. Her peaceful mood was gone, replaced with anger and disgust.

Running to the side of the building that would overlook the alley, Mina glanced down. She saw the oppressor standing over the poor woman, completely oblivious to the asskicking they were about to get and focused only on the woman's purse.

Mina took in the surrounding area, noticing the fire escapes that led down the ground. She inhaled deeply before launching into the air and grabbing onto the metal gate, flipping onto it neatly while making minimal noise.

She put her feet on either side of the gate, preparing herself. Instead of taking the ladder, like a normal, sane person, she dropped down from one level to the next, until she had reached the ground.

Once there, Mina made sure she kept silent, walking carefully on the cold, musty cement to avoid making noise. She pulled one of her katanas out noiselessly, in case she had to act fast and walked closer to the struggling pair.

"Please don't, please." The woman was sobbing from behind the person, who she identified as a man. Mina realized with a sinking stomach that the woman's shirt was ripped in half, exposing the tan skin of her torso and her skirt was hoisted up, leaving her legs bare.

The man didn't say anything but he grabbed onto the woman's wrist, holding it painfully tight while staring straight at her. It sent a chill down Mina's spine and she clenched her jaw in anger.

"Don't! Please, pleas-!" The trembling woman's plea was cut off by a hand connecting to her cheek, instantly leaving a red mark. The sound the slap made echoed throughout the alleyway and a terrified sob emitted from the woman.

Enraged and fully done with waiting, Mina stepped closer and made her move.

As the man came closer to his victim, Mina cleared her throat, ignoring the scared feeling in her stomach and focusing on the anger. She saw the punk's head shoot up, first glaring down at the sobbing woman beneath him and then to his left, then right, where he spotted Mina.

bring it!  ¤  peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now