5. sharpie is the worst kind of marker

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Rainy days always calmed Nina down. They gave her a sense of relaxation when she walked through the cool droplets of rain. Of course it made her hair frizzy, but it's not like she cared about that.

However, she couldn't enjoy today's rain. Tony was driving her to school. He was too paranoid to let her walk alone. But while he was paranoid about Nina getting shot, Nina was paranoid about Tony swerving the car because he was so high.

He parked the car right in front of the school and let Nina get out.

"Be safe. Call me if anything happens." Tony gripped on tightly to the steering wheel. It was so obvious that he was high. Nina nodded at him and walked inside. There was still time to spare, so she used it to go to the library like she always does. Reading a book was the best way to hide herself from everyone else.

Coincidentally, right behind her was Chance and Quinn. The two were talking about meeting Eshal, the girl that was suppose to go on a date with Chance.

"You seem nervous," Quinn said as he glanced over to his friend. Chance scoffed to himself. Nervous didn't seem like the right word to describe himself in the moment. More like scared to death. If he hits it off with this girl like Quinn hopes it does and they end up dating, it could cause a whole array of problems.

"Nah I'm fine," Chance answered back. He looked up and saw Kiya, Quinn's girlfriend, along with her friend who he assumed was Eshal.

Christ, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life.

Chance could hardly breathe just looking at her. The way her curls bounced with every step she took, and the lights reflecting off her brown skin. Her eyelashes batted in a flirty way without her even knowing.

"What did I tell you? Bad as fuck." Quinn laughed to Chance. "And you won't regret this. I promise."

Oh Quinn, I think I will regret this.

"Hey babe," Kiya said as she gave Quinn a kiss. Chance was stuck staring at Eshal. She was shy, Chance could tell. He wanted to say something but it felt like the words got caught in this throat. So when he tried to push them out, he felt like puking.

Quinn looked at him and realized something was off. "Uh Chance... this is Eshal. Go ahead and talk." He wrapped his arm around Kiya's waist as he tugged her along. "We'll leave y'all alone." He gave a subtle wink as he walked out with his girlfriend.

"So," Eshal began to say as she sat down across from Chance, "That was a little awkward." She chuckled as Chance forced a smile. It was awkward. "That wink? I don't know what he thinks we'll be doing."

"I know right?" Chance scoffed as he playfully rolled his eyes. "Men are so perverted."

Eshal couldn't help but to laugh. "So are you calling yourself perverted?"

For a moment, Chance forgot that he himself is a guy. That's how powerful his attraction to Eshal hit him. The way her eyebrow naturally twitched and her fingers drummed against the table. He forgot who he was. The most important thing to him was, for just a moment, forgotten. His identity.

"No. That's not me," Chance replied. "I'm not really focused on... perverted stuff." Eshal smiled at his comment. That means she liked what he said, right?

"So would you say that you're not like most guys?"

Chance stopped for a moment as he stared right into her beaming brown eyes. He nodded and hinted a smile. "Yea... I would say I'm not like most guys."

The bell suddenly rang and everyone got up to get to the first class of the day. The two were still sitting at the table just staring into the others eyes. Like nothing around them mattered.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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