The Flight...16

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"Do we leave her sleep or do we wake her up", Shawn asked Beyoncé.

"I think wake her up that way we can get her dressed easily", Beyoncé answered.

It was only 6 in the morning but Shawn and Beyoncé were headed to Italy so they needed to get up and make their way to the airport at 8 in the morning. They were ready but Blue was barely about to wake up and she might be very calm or very fussy it was a thing they didn't know.

"You wanna wake her up or do I?", Shawn asked.

"I'll wake her up hopefully she doesn't go wild today", Beyoncé answered.

She went accross the hall to Blue's room gently tapping her Blue slowly woke up, she was not having it though. Yet Beyoncé got her to get dressed and her hair done in time that they could make it to their airport. It was mainly Shawn and Beyoncé excited for Italy while Blue slept through their aiport and half of the flight.

"Mommy we going Italy?", Blue asked wiping her eyes.

"Yeah you want to get some breakfast baby?", Beyoncé responded.

"Yes please", she responded.

Shawn quickly gave her a milk bottle of hers that she had while they waited for some food. Obviously it wasn't going to be a big fancy homemade meal but it was still going to be good considering it was a private jet. She got her meal and excitedly ate the food meanwhile her parents did their work on their computers.

"Daddy where are we?", she asked.

"We aee above the ocean we still have a while before we pass ground you wanna see?", he asked.

"Yes", she nodded, Shawn opened one of the windows and showed her the ocean. Her eyes lit up with excitement she had never really paid attention to the flights but now she was more interested by it. It was a good age to begin to travel along with her because she understood what was going on.

"How long?", she asked.

"4 hours most likely we got a while want to watch some cartoons or play?", Shawn asled.

"Cartoons", she answered he gave her his phone and let her watch some cartoons.

He went back to his work while Beyoncé went to the bed they had and took a nap it was definetly too early for all the comotion, but she finished her work.

Three and a half hours later

"Daddy almost?", Blue asked.

"Yes wanna go help me wake up mommy?", Shawn asked.

"Yes lets go", she said running to back of the airplane wear the bed was located.

"Good morning Bey", Shawn said.

"Mommy wake up wake up", Blue said excitedly.

"What time is it?", Beyoncé mumbled.

"12 pm New York time and who knows what Italy time", Shawn responded while giving her a little back rub.

"How far are we?", she asled as she strecthed.

"Thir- ty", Blue said excitedly.

"We have to be in our seats soon", she said.

"Yeah come on let's go so we can get this part over with", Shawn said.

"Yeah come in let's go Blue", Beyoncé said.

They all made their ways to their chairs and prepared to buckled up, this part was always the exciting part because it meant they were almost there. They were trying to teach that too Blue because of turbulence being unpredictable. Today was slightly shakey but not eniugh to get Blue shaken up, the plan went swiftly down to the landing port. Finally they were in Italy after a five hour long flight it was about 2 in the afternoon. (Time zone and flight area are not accurate at all don't take my word)

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