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hello. yes, hi. I'm making a quick note here about where this story is being shared and if people are getting the wrong message from this book.

a) this book is N O T waycest. this is a simple book based around a BROTHER RELATIONSHIP of Gerard and Mikey (obviously based around Gerard's Hesitant Alien song, Brother.)

b) I've seen this story being saved to waycest collections. you guys can do whatever you'd like with your likings; personally (and amongst many MCR fans in the fandom) waycest is a very gross topic. you shouldn't really... ever ship family members together when they have a perfect healthy sibling or parent bond. I don't want to call anyone out or sound like an asshole, I just personally don't know if people.... like know this is a brother relationship book and not a "let's fuck" relationship? or if it's just a weird name for a Mikey and Gerard story collection? I just find it kind've uncomfortable.

just a little reminder that it was just a little brother relationship book based off of Gerard's song when I was first heavily into MCR and their solo things. if you'd guys like a little update, maybe I can brew up some new ideas and post something else with new exciting news going around (Mikey and Kristin having another kid, Gerard making new music, etc.)

and just a quick PS,
this message wasn't meant to sound like an asshole. please have a good day everyone.

Brother • Gerard and Mikey WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora