Maybe Not

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Alexis' POV

I wake up this morning and walk down to breakfast, Cameron is back home. We all eat breakfast in silence until my mom leaves to work.

"What happened between you and hayes?" Cameron asks me making my body go num.

I know he's gonna make me tell him but I honestly really don't want too.

"He cheated on me" i finally say.

You could tell Cameron was anger about it,his little sister got cheated on by one of his good friends. I would be pissed if I were him too.

"With who" he finally lets the words flow out from his mouth

"I think her name was like Alison or something I don't know. But I saw them sucking on each other's faces"

You could see cameron getting more and more mad. he clenched his fist and you could see the vain in his neck. It was kinda scary. He finally took a deep breath and walked up to his room without saying a word.

I was scared about what he was gonna do but I let it go and put our dishes away and began to do my homework because my home school teacher was about to come.

A few minutes pass and Cameron comes down the stairs,with a suit case. He places it at the end of the stairs and began to walk towards me. He turns into the kitchen and began to pour himself a drink.

" W-Wh-Where are you going" finally comes out of my mouth as I'm scared to see what his next move will be.

He turns and takes a giant gulp out of his drink and turns to me,

"North Carolina"


DANNNNGG CAM IS MAD😂 but sorry this chapter is so small it's just a filler. But I promise the next one will be longer, I just never have time to write. Well comment what do you think Cam is gonna do! It might help me update faster haha😉

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