Ice Cream!

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Since it was a Thursday and there was no Magcon today everyone had a day off I guess you can say. Bart was telling these guys where to put the stage. Mahogany was putting together a playlist of songs for tomorrow. I told her to throw in some Justin Bieber songs..

All of the boys and me were up stairs with a few fans. One girl said I was adorable and cute! I told her thanks and it ended there.

I looked at my phone for the time and it said "4:50"

Me and Hayes were going at about 5 to get some ice cream so I asked Cameron for our room key. He handed it to me and I went to the room.

I changed into-

A pair of jeans

A Shawn Mendes shirt

With a pair of black uggs

My hair was pulled up to a high pony tail.

I looked down at my phone the time was "4:58" now so I rushed out the door and handed Cameron the card and walked down to lobby where me and Hayes were gonna meet.

Hayes was already there. He gave me a hug and a couple of fans who were around the area said " AAAW" a couple of them gave me dirty looks. Hayes and me walked over to the ice cream shop that was by the pool.

"what kind of ice cream do you like?" He asked

"Cookie Dough!" I said happily

"Ha okay I'll be right back."

A few moments later Hayes came back with 2 cones one with Cookie Dough for me and Chocolate for him.

We went and sat down at a table by the pool.

" So I heard you sing, do you write your own songs?" He asked

"Yeah, since I'm off of dance for a few weeks I've been able to write more often!" I replied

" maybe you can sing tomorrow?"

I wasn't afraid to sing. It's just I didn't wanna mess up. There was gonna be over 1000 girls. I never performed infront of such a big audience.

" sure." I said

" great." Hayes said and smiled


We talked about some things and we finally both finished our ice cream.

We started walking towards the building and I could see Hayes wanted to hold my hand. I slowly slid my hand into his and we both looked at each other and smiled.

We went up to the floor the rest of the boys were and Cameron looked and said,"my little sister got a boyfriend?"

I laughed.

" she's got the best boyfriend." Hayes said.

I looked at him and smiled.

So this is what love felt like?

Bart came around the corner.

"Hey, Alexis can you maybe perform tomorrow? Like a song or dance?"

"Yeah sure. What ever you like."

"How about both?"

"Yeah sure!"


Bart said thanks and walked away.

" I'm gonna go tell Mahogany what songs I need. Be right back." I said

I ran down to the ball room and found her.

"Hey, Mahogany since I'm gonna be performing tomorrow. Your problay gonna need to know the songs I need..right?"

"Yeah, what songs do you need?"

"I'll send you the instrumental stuff for the song I wrote, but for my dance I'm gonna need, Be Alright by Justin Bieber."

"Okay, remember to send the stuff to me!"

"Fa sho" I said. lol I'm such and idiot.

On my way up stairs in the elevator I thought.


Then I got a text from Bart.

"Special Delivery. Thanks for performing for us tomorrow!"

Then a picture of one of my costumes that I have performed with.

My mom probably sent it over.

Link to see costume>

Well now I just have to practice it. Hopefully I'll do it good. I hope not to mess up. Because Hayes is probably gonna dump me. Who would wanna date a loser?

hope you guys like the story so far! I will write later tonight too so, stay tuned! To access the link for the picture of the costume copy and paste it in the URL of Safari!

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