"Yes that is real, basically if its sex or something everyone gets to try what he taught. So if its something on stimulation or anything like that it happens." I nodded and sat back, very scared and confused.

Mistress Lovato stretched and put her left arm behind my back.

I thought nothing of it until I felt her hand on my shoulder.

My face became red and I held my pencil tightly. I have to be honest and say that I am attracted to Mistress Lovato but I was pretty sure a rumor about us would ruin both of us.

Suddenly the huge bell rang. The instructor stopped talking and everyone started to chat and pack up their things.

The three girls and boy from the first day all looked back at me and Mistress Lovato which I had a bad feeling about.

I looked down and spoke sorta soft. "Four people are looking over at us. Just letting you know." Mistress Lovato looked down at me and then over to the front.

I watched as all four of them quickly relocated their gaze somewhere else.

I threw my notebook in my backpack ad stood up, Mistress Lovato did the same and moved out of the row so I could get out.

Once out she motioned for me to follow. The room was empty besides me, her and the instructor.

She guided me down towards the instructor who sat up real quick and smiled.

"Hello Mistress Lovato, hows your day been." Mistress Lovato scoffed and leaned one hand on the table and rested herself on it.

"Cut the shit Craig, I'm just letting you know that this is Ry. She sat in the far back corner and most likely will sit there as time goes on." he nodded and looked at me, scared to say something in front of Mistress Lovato.

Nothing else was said, leaving an awkward silence in the air.

Mistress Lovato huffed and gently grabbed a hold of my wrist, turning on her heel and walking me away.

She let go once she realized I'd follow.

As we neared the doors I ran ahead a little and opened one and held it for her.

She smiled and her face became flushed.

I chuckled to myself as she waited for me to follow again.

I caught up and then got scared as other people walked past and stared.

I looked at Mistress Lovato and saw her glare at some students. All the people she glared at instantly stopped staring and went on their way.

I looked at my phone, it read 12:30. I sighed and knew I'd have to go back to the dining hall to eat soon.

Though I didn't want to I knew I'd be forced to.

 I snapped from my thoughts when I took a step down and into the grass. Mistress Lovato stopped and laughed a little, holding out her hand to help me.

I grabbed her hand and stepped back onto solid concrete.

She watched me and made sure I didn't zone out again.

We got close to the center building, going inside and up the stairs.

Mistress Lovato led me to an office all the way on the top floor, closing and locking the door. The closing of it was okay, the locking...not so much.

I hesitantly made my way over to the chair that was in front of hr desk, sitting down and putting my bag by my side.

Mistress Lovato walked around me and sat down in front of me on her desk. She crossed her legs and just looked down at me.

"So...the reason I had you come meet with me after you class is because of an offer I have for you." I tilted my head, confused on what she meant.

She cleared her throat and went on. "My offer is strange and of course you have the right to say no to it. But anyways, my offer is simple. And the more I think of it its not really an offer as much as its a just a question." I nodded and sat back a little.

"You see I created this academy because of a past partner I was with. This was her idea and rightfully so. Sadly though she left me and just had me owning this place." I understood the feeling of being dumped after something big.

"After she left I never had a single submissive again....But I'd like to change that. You seem to fit what my idea of a perfect submissive is." I sat in kinda a shock like state.

She wanted me as her submissive.

My face went red and I looked at my lap.

Was this the best idea to have relations with the head mistress?

Mistress Lovato leaned forward ad tilted my head up so she could see my face.

"There is no pressure for an answer. If you say no then that's okay, then I'd just like to be friends with you." I hummed and 'okay' and thought for a second.

Maybe this is why she was treating me like a was a little kid. She was treating me like I was a little. Like a submissive. It was her test to see if I fit her ideas and her style.

I took a breath and looked up only slightly.

"Yeah...I can be your submissive"

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