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Most Parents want their children to be safe, to do the right thing. However to do that they have to teach their kids whats right and whats wrong.

Thats not The case though for me. My Mother died when I was born I am an only child. But my father well he was a good parents until I was about ten thats when everything went to hell. He tells me what's right and wrong not by teaching me but by hitting me.

Most parents would say thats terrible and that why would never do something like that. But my father would say its the only way to get her to listen.

This year though he finally agreed to send me off to boarding school, My aunt suggested it was the best thing to do to get me to behave. And thank goodness for that. My aunt was always trying to get custody over me so I would not have to deal with my father anymore but the court wouldnt give it to her. So She instead started to suggest things to my father such as boarding school.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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