Garroth's Unknown Feelings

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Using my trusty Number Generator, the name Aphmau says will be...

Previously within our story...

"Why didn't you tell me she was hurt Zoey?! I expected as much from you Donna because we rarely speak but Zoey, your supposed to tell me about these things!" "Why?! Last time you resurrected a dead ghost child!" Zoey yelled. "Hush you both. She's coming too! Someone get Garroth or Aaron!" Donna said. "You know I'm right here." "AH!" All the girls yelped when they heard Aaron's voice from the corner near Aphmau's bed. "Aaron don't scare us like that!" Zoey scolded as Garroth and Laurance walked into the room conversating softly. "?..."


Garroth and Laurence walked into the room, conversating softly. "Garroth?..." Making everyone turn to see Aphmau's outstretched hand shaking violently, Garroth grabbed her hand and she squeezed his for comfort. "Are you feeling alright Lord Aphmau?" "We should clear the room a bit, Lucinda, Donna, Dante, and Aaron if you wouldn't mind leaving." Zoey said curtly. "I'd prefer if Aaron stayed, he is seemingly close with Lady Aphmau." Laurence said looking out the window.

Garroth held onto Aphmau's hand as she continued to shake violently from the pain, the smell of her own blood making it hard to breathe through her nose, Garroth looked worried as she grasped the blanket. "Aphmau calm down!" Laurence stated in an un-Laurence-ey way - leaving everyone speechless. "Laurence, either keep your voice down or I'll throw you out the open window!" Said someone across the room, it was dark in that corner of the room when suddenly out of the dark came a stranger. "Who are you and why are you in this house?!" Aaron questioned lowly. "One is not your concern, second I was invited by M'lady Aphmau." Snapped the girl. "Laurence leave the room or I'll let this stranger throw you out that window." Garroth said as tears fell from his eyes. "No! She's hurt!" Laurence said in a snappy tone.

*Grabbing noise, shuffling noise, throwing noises, loud falling into water noise.*

The stranger glared down at Laurence from the window before leaving the room as well, soon the sun had fallen and Garroth was the last one left in the room - stroking Aphmau's cheek gently until she had fallen asleep. "I never thought I'd hear my name leave such a beautiful Lord's lips in the time of her pain... I love you, Lord Aphmau." Garroth said taking off his helmet and kissing Aphmau before getting into his sleeping bag on the floor near the unoccupied side of Aphmau's bed, the night was restless for Garroth as he listened to Aphmau's pained groans and then the sound of quiet sobbing emitting from the lord's mouth, Garroth was unsure of what to do and acted on an unknown reflex that made him get up and lay on the bed and run his hands up and down Aphmau's shoulders and back being careful to avoid the wound on her shoulder. "It's alright Aphmau, I'll keep you safe, always until the end of time, because I love you." He murmured softly.

Outside the room Aaron had his fists clenched and was muttering. "I should be in there, but she thought Garroth would be better, oh please I love her more and she's spilled her heart out to me!" Aaron said and stomped down the stairs and out of the house.

Laurence had been hiding near the window, but didn't say a thing as he retreated away from the house and towards the docks, unlike Aaron who had retreated to his camp.

Finally morning came and Aphmau rolled over, she suddenly bumped into someone but she wasn't awake enough to actually notice it at all, Garroth caressed Aphmau's cheek - tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as he smiled warmly at the beauty before him as the sun made her skin glow a beautiful amber, Garroth felt his cheeks heating up as he had these weird feelings in his stomach and mind but he shrugged them off and tiptoed out of the bedroom and closed the door before heading downstairs to join Zoey and the boys for breakfast. "Good morning Mr. Gawwoth!" Levin said smiling and waving his hand at the Guard. "Good morning Garroth." Malachi said as he continued eating. "Good morning to you both, and you as well Zoey." Garroth said smiling at the Fairy Elf and the boys caretaker whenever Aphmau was away. "Is it ever a good morning when the Lord can't even stand up to come say good morning Garroth?" Zoey said grudgingly. "Nice to see you Garroth, I never saw you back at the tower after Aphmau fell asleep." Dante said smirking. "She was up half the night crying because of how much her wounds were hurting, she didn't actually get to sleep until I soothed the knot out near her shoulder wound, even when she finally did sleep she was still crying Dante." Garroth said pointing upstairs where you could hear faint crying. "I'll be right back." Garroth said and ran up the stairs and no one even noticed Malachi sneaking away from the table to follow Garroth.

Malachi snuck up the stairs so he could check on his mother, Garroth had closed the door but Malachi opened it with ease to peek into the room, he saw his mom on her bed with bandages wrapped around her torso and left shoulder, Garroth was gently rubbing Aphmau's bandaged shoulder and down her back until the sobbing turned to quiet whimpering and then faded to lulled whispers. "Feel better now M'Lord?" Garroth asked cracking a smile as he fixed one of her bandages, Malachi caught a glimpse of something dark and red beneath the bandage before Garroth fixed it. "I do, thank you, Sir Garroth." Aphmau teased weakly booping Garroth's nose making Malachi giggle which made Aphmau tense up as she grit her teeth in pain again. "Garroth. who. is. outside. my. door?!..." Aphmau said unable to roll onto her left shoulder without hurting herself. "You know I can see you kiddo." Garroth said and pulled the door open to reveal Malachi. "Hehe, hi Mr. Garroth, um how's my mother?" He asked. "She was doing okay but you might of scared her, you can come in though." Garroth opened the door and led Malachi to the bed where his mother Aphmau was clutching the pillow to her chest in a tense manner. "Malachi? Where's Levin or is it just you alone?" Aphmau asked lifting her head to lock her eyes onto Malachi. "Levin is downstairs eating breakfast with Zoey and Dante, I got worried about you!" Malachi said crawling onto the bed and hugging Aphmau. "Ouch!" Aphmau whimpered and Malachi let go so he wouldn't hurt his mother. "I love you Malachi, but I need to rest before I re-open a wound and one of Zoey, Donna, Lucinda, or Kawaii~Chan get really mad, I'll have Garroth let you know if you can come back in okay Malachi?" Aphmau winced and kissed his head. "Okay mommy." Malachi said smiling before going to his room to play with Thorgi.

Laurence stomped around until he ran into the ever animal loving Kiki and one of her animal friends. "Good morning Laurence! How are you?" Kiki asked, but her face fell when she saw how angry he was and she ran away with her bunny as to keep away from Laurence, as for Aaron he wandered around town avoiding random villagers.

Zoey had told Garroth to take a break, so she and Cookie watched over Aphmau and took care of her until night came and Garroth brought Levin and his brother in to visit their mother. "Hi mom, how are you feeling?" Malachi asked curiously. "I'm alright - urrhhgh! Sweetie... Come here boys." Aphmau said smiling and motioned for the boys to come get a hug from her, and for once she didn't wince in pain as she hugged her boys and the three all fell asleep snuggled together making Garroth smile as he went to join the three.

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