Chapter Four - Dead Girl Walking

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Author's Note - Hey everyone, sorry updates have been slow as usual. I promise I haven't abandoned the story or anything, the real world's just been kicking my butt is all, lol. However, I've gotten a new laptop for Christmas and now I'll be able to hopefully work on this story more. I've heard you all loud and clear, and I want to apologize for leaving you all on a cliff hanger as I thought I would've been able to update the next day or something. 

Your P.O.V.

You walked the streets, tripping and stumbling while you did so. Your face was reddened and your mood was pissed. The reason your face was reddened was that you had been drinking at the party the Heathers took you to, as for why you were pissed; Long story short the Heathers were going to pull a humiliating stunt on Martha. You stood up to Heather Chandler, your liquid courage kicking in and, in the process, puked on her shoes and ran away. 

Your thoughts raced with what was going to happen once you returned to school on Monday. Your social life was going to be murdered. Might as well just kill myself now. You thought to yourself, after tripping over a crack in the side walk. 

Every once in a while you would glance into the windows of the houses you passed. One particular window caught your eye as you noticed a familiar figure ripping off a shirt, although you couldn't quite place your finger on where you saw it before. The window, however, was on the second floor of the house. To get a closer look you would have to climb the tree near the window.

Of course you did the reasonable thing and started to climb the tree. As you did a new emotion stirred inside you, a strong feeling of want, passion, and possibly  something else. The figure in the window started moving once again. You peered around the trunk and watched it as it turned the lights off and laid down. At once you remembered who the handsome person was. So this is J.D.'s house... You thought to yourself. The feeling inside you, which you now placed as lust, grew stronger and stronger until finally you decided to give him a surprise visit.

You straddled on the branch leading to his window, not really taking in how the branch didn't look very well suited to support your weight. Slowly and quietly, you tried to pry his window open. Eventually you got it, but right after the branch snapped and you had to quickly pull yourself into his room, or else fall and risk breaking an arm or leg.

What you didn't know, because the room was completely dark, was that J.D.'s bed was right at his window meaning you landed right on the sleeping boy. You felt him wake up and jump.

"(Y/N)," J.D. said as he started to awake, "what are you doing in my room?" You immediately put your finger to his mouth and shushed him. 

"Sorry, but I really had to wake you," you  cooed into his ear. "But I decided I must ride you 'til I break you. 'Cause Heather says I got to go! You're my last meal on death row! Shut your mouth, and lose them tighty whities!" J.D. quickly lost what little clothes he had on at your command. He looked intrigued and slightly frightened. You both kissed quickly and passionately. 

One very passionate night later

You were walking down the school halls the next day, everything was going normal and it almost seemed like everyone forgot about the party on Friday. Suddenly, the halls took on a red tint and Heather Chandler rose up from the ground, laughing her devilish laugh. 

"Really, (Y/N)!?" She shrieked in her she-demon voice. "Sleeping with creepy trench-coat kid? Wait 'til everyone hears this, the news that good little (Y/N) is really a dirty whore!" She cackled once again, and people from the school surrounded her, chanting at you.

You woke up screaming, which in turn woke J.D. up...

J.D.'s P.O.V.

My eyes pried open at the sound of (Y/N)'s scream. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her. "What's wrong!?" I yelled in shock. After a while her breathing seemed to slow down and she relaxed, letting herself lay against my chest. 

"I-I just had a nightmare is all..." she said in almost a whisper.  I kissed her on the cheek and rested my head on top of her's. I let go of where I was holding her and instead took her hands in mine, which I brought up to my face and kissed gently. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" I said in the most soothing voice I could muster. I wasn't used to having to comfort anyone, I was only going off what little I've seen in TV. 

She buried her face into my chest and muttered something I couldn't hear. I could only make out a few words, those being "Heather", "whole school", and "whore".

"Heather?" I said in a voice that was laced with disgust. "I thought you were past what her and all the other hacks in the school though?" (Y/N) Twiddled her fingers for a while in deep thought.  I kissed her on the forehead and reached for my clothes, I saw her quickly scramble for her's as well.

"J.D.," she said after a while, "I was thinking of going to Heather's and apologizing to her...Would you like to come with me?" I sighed and groaned, I was really not interested in having to see Heather more than I absolutely had to. I knew I didn't really have a choice, however, and reluctantly agreed. (Y/N) seemed happier at this news and hugged me.

"Oh and by the way," she said slyly, "you were my first." And with that she patted me on the chest and we got ready to head off for Heather's house...

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