12 Days of Xmas: Day 6- Milliagura

Start from the beginning

"You know it was kind of pointless to sing that song." Kagura said, and Millianna grumbled about how if she thought her singing sucked to just say so outright. Kagura laughed, hooking an arm around her grumbling girlfriend and pulling her close. "It's pointless for you to say you want me for Christmas, because I'm something you already have."

Millianna sniffed, but nuzzled closer, head resting against her shoulder. "Why do you have to be so technical?"

"I was trying to be romantic, okay?" Kagura admitted, warmth crawling up her cheeks.

"Aww!" Millianna flung her arms around Kagura, laughing as the swords-woman blushed even further. "You're so sweet, Kag-ey wag-ey!"

"That is not my name." She grumbled into the cowl of her sweater and Millianna laughed again, peppering her face with kisses, singing, 'I love you kag-ey, I love you, love you, loooove yooouu!'

It was a miracle Kagura didn't die of embarrassment that night. Some mighty swords-woman she was.


Kagura's breath came out in front of her in a white cloud. The cold stung her eyes and nipped at her nose. The winter season was an unforgiving time, not matter what Christmas carols might proclaim.

Her boots crunched against the ground, the street a mixture of gravel and snow, occasionally interrupted by dangerous slips of ice.

She pulled up the collar of her coat, and shoved her hands back in her pockets, winter was definitely not her favorite time of year. Mermaids thrived in the warm salty seas of summer. Winter froze the seas, and trapped them under water.

'Wow, someone's feeling dramatic today.' Millianna's laughing voice entered her head and Kagura batted it away with a shake of her head. She wasn't dramatic, she was just battle oriented.

Some might say that Kagura was too serious, and joke that she should lighten up a little, but she didn't pay them any heed, their opinion doesn't matter anyways. All that mattered was her sword's path, whether it struck true, that's what's important; not something as silly as 'lightening up'.

Millianna was never told to lighten up, or that she was too serious. She was energetic and eager to please, just like she had been when she first came under Kagura's guidance. Now she was stronger, and knew her worth. She would never be ordered around by a man, never again.

Jellal. The man who had harmed both of them. Kagura's fist clenched in her pockets, fingers itching for the familiar feel of her sword hilt.

She remembered the look on Millianna's face, when she'd seen 'Mystogan' unmasked, the utter hatred and rage that had darkened over her usually sunny features.

That look, it was something Kagura had once felt satisfied seeing, but now, after what Erza had taught her, she never wanted to see that look again.

The lights of a shop's sign blinked in the corner of her vision, a pet shop, somehow miraculously still open at this hour, and on Christmas Eve no less.

Kagura pace stalled as she gazed through the shop's windows, colorful Christmas lights reflecting off the glass. The animals inside swathed in a red and green glow. Birds, rabbits, fish, puppies, lizards, and... kittens.

'Kitty cats!' Millianna's face appeared on the glass, with a beaming smile and shining eyes.

How did some small fuzzy creature make her so happy? Kagura was at a fork in the road, the logical path of her mind told her to keep on walking, but the path of her heart led inside that pet shop. The two directions pulled at her, keeping her useless feet planted where they were.

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