Caroline's eyes flicked back and forth, looking into his, trying to comprehend what he was telling her. He was so close now. Close enough that she could see every blue and gray fleck in his eyes. His lips hovered near hers, his breath fanning out across her face. She felt frightened and intrigued all at once. Her tongue darted out and wet her own lips and for a second she thought Klaus might lean forward that last inch and close the distance between them. But then he spoke again. "For me, this is the end. For you, it's only the beginning."

Caroline opened her mouth to respond, but then his eyes widened, and her own eyes closed as she fell back into a deep sleep.

The memory ended. She pulled herself back into the present. The past. Whatever. Klaus was standing there, holding onto her still, waiting for her to respond. It felt like she had been standing there forever seeing these new-old memories, but it had really only been a few seconds.

"Did you remember anything?"

"I have to go see Gretchen," she said spinning around and searching for her dress.

"Don't be ridiculous, it's the middle of the night. Between the wolves and Mikael I'm not going to let you out of this castle."

She stopped and turned toward him. "Mikeal?"

"He arrived in London. Just yesterday. My spies informed me late last night."

"Good time to be telling me this now," she shot back, "I have to see Gretchen."

Caroline pulled her dress over her head.

"I'll have her come here. You are not leaving the castle and that is final."

Caroline crossed her arms and scowled at him, but she could see she was defeated. Klaus sent Trevor out to fetch the witch. The vampire had been staying with them the past few days leading up to the full moon, providing extra security for the doppelganger. Caroline waited for Gretchen in her sitting room, with Klaus hovering close by. She knew he was probably dying to ask her what she remembered, but thankfully he was refraining from doing so.

Gretchen entered the room, with Trevor following behind her. She saw the look in Caroline's eye and knew exactly what was going on.

"Leave us," the witch commanded. The two vampire men looked at each other and made their way out of the room. Klaus shot Caroline a look and she nodded her head at him as he shut the door.

"Can you cast a privacy spell?" Caroline asked.

"Yes," Gretchen replied.

"Do it."

Gretchen cast the spell. "What has happened Caroline?"

"I know why I'm here, back in the past, I know why Bonnie's spell worked," Caroline explained. Gretchen's eyes widened in curiosity as Caroline continued. "I was meant to come here. You were right. My being here doesn't change the future because this, everything that is happened now, has already happened. Which makes no sense, but you know what I mean."

"How do you know?"

"Klaus confronted me in my past, and then compelled me to forget it all."

"What did he say?"

"He said that—" Caroline paused, remembering what he had said to her, his words finally sinking in, "he said he was mourning me. That it was the end for him and the beginning for me," she stopped recalling the look of complete agony on his face, "I die. That's what happens to me here, I die. And he doesn't know that it just sends me back."

"You' don't know that for sure," Gretchen gripped Caroline's hand. "You can't tell him. He won't let you risk it." Caroline bit her lip, her brow furrowing. "Caroline I see your face and you can't."

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