Klaus considered his options. He could force her to break off a branch and stake herself, the sun would be up soon and he could force her to stay outside as it rose without her ring. There were endless ways he could compel her to torture herself, and even if she were on vervain, she would pretend otherwise and still do it. Klaus was a master of torture, a true artist really at causing pain. He always knew how to get the most out of someone. A grin spread across his face as he realized exactly which pressure point to push on Caroline.

"I want you to kiss me," Klaus said slowly. He watched Caroline's eyes for a reaction. She was very good. Not even a hint of surprise crossed her features.

"What?" She replied as flatly as she could.

His pupils dilated and his voice dropped half an octave.

"Kiss me Caroline."

Caroline hesitated only half a second before stepping into him and planting her lips on his. But that half a second was long enough to prove his point. She had drunk the vervain. Then, all thoughts were immediately whipped from his brain as Caroline wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her body into his.

Her lips were soft and warm. At first she had been stiff, frigid even, but then she sighed into his mouth. He slipped his tongue past her lips, letting it dance with hers, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Her head tilted to the side as he invaded her mouth. Klaus was completely lost in the kiss, his hands beginning to wander across her back. He could feel the laces of her ripped dressed under his fingers and he fought the urge to rip them apart as he continued kissing her.

Immediately reality slammed back into his thoughts as he remembered she was only acting. He shoved her away harshly, her mouth leaving his with a pop. She stumbled back a bit and he didn't bother to reach out and steady her. If he touched her again, he'd haul her body up against his and never let go.

"Enough," he growled. He was supposed to be torturing her, not the other way around.

He spun on his heels and continued stomping in the direction of home. The sound of Caroline's footsteps followed behind him. He didn't look at her for the rest of the walk.

Klaus locked Caroline in room again after they returned. Apparently her little escapade had cost her roaming the castle freely privileges. Jumping out the window again wasn't an option either, seeing as dawn was just breaking. As soon as the lock clicked into place, Caroline let out a loud yawn and sluggishly walked toward the bed. She slipped out of her tattered dress and under the covers, the silken sheets feeling like heaven against her bare skin.

Caroline fixed one of the large feather pillows under her head and wrapped her arms around it, cuddling it closely. It had been days since she had gotten any real kind of rest. For the moment she didn't mind being locked inside her room. All she cared to do right now was sleep. But as soon as her eyes closed, all she could think about was the kiss in the woods.

It had thrown her off when Klaus had compelled her to kiss him. But she had to pat herself on the back for not giving away even a hint of her surprise. That wolfish grin he had sported as she leaned toward him was enough to make her want to slap him but as soon as their lips connected she had felt the world drop away.

The taste of his mouth had left her reeling, just like drinking his blood had, and the feel of his arms wrapped around her. For a moment she had forgotten that he was a killer and her enemy. The kiss was that good. For that moment all she felt was desire. Desire to have him hold her tighter, to feel his hands everywhere, to feel what it would be like to have his mouth on the rest of her.

But then he had broken away roughly, a cold look in his eyes, and she remembered exactly who he was. He was Klaus. He was evil. There wasn't a sincere bone in his body and he was obviously just toying with her. The memory of his kiss made her stomach clench. She rolled over on her side and squeezed her eyes tighter, willing sleep to overtake her so that she could just forget about it all. She almost wished he had just compelled her to stake herself instead.

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